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           Reducing Recidivism

           with Workforce Partnerships

           Reducing rates and incidents  across all levels of government   Studies have shown that
           of recidivism directly benefits   to shoulder the reduction of   providing these online tools
           society in numerous ways,    inmate populations.           on the back end of job readi-
           including increasing the safety   Employers are beginning   ness training has drastically
           in our communities, decreas-  to recognize that a criminal   reduced recidivism rates       Richard Boone
           ing victimization rates, reduc-  record should not automati-  among those on community
           ing criminal justice costs, and   cally disqualify a candidate   supervision. In recent years,
           fostering family preservation.  from employment. In fact,   partnerships between state
             Lack of employment can     some research has shown that   workforce and corrections
           have a significant impact on   employees with a criminal   agencies have brought this
           an individual’s tendency to   history have a deep desire   technology to the justice-
           re-offend. Studies have shown   to work and establish self-  involved, with much suc-
           that unemployment rates      sufficiency; they exhibit more   cess, including pre-release
           are highest for ex-offenders   loyalty to their employer   inmates in jails. This has given
           within the first two years of   and tend to stay in their jobs   inmates access to the inter-
           their release, and programs   longer. Employers are also   net while still incarcerated,
           that focus on pro-active, pre-  encouraged to take advan-  and has long been a topic of
           release job placement can, in   tage of workforce develop-  debate. Opponents point to       Deane Toler
           fact, reduce the likelihood of   ment incentives such as the   the numerous security threats
           recidivism, especially among   Work Opportunity Tax Credit   that access would invite.
           non-violent offenders.       and the Federal Bonding       Proponents see internet con-
                                        Program when hiring an        nectivity as a vital aspect of
           Strengthening Bonds          ex-offender. Corrections and   rehabilitation. It builds trust,
                                                                      and when it comes to post-
             Over the past decade, more   workforce agencies are becom-
           and more justice and labor   ing much more aggressive      release employment prospects,
                                                                      those who are internet-savvy
           departments have concluded   in courting and educating     have a distinct advantage over
           that partnerships are neces-  employers on the benefits of   those who are not.
           sary in bringing the latest   hiring those who have been
           job readiness programs and   justice-involved.
           workforce development           The Workforce Investment   Allowing Access
           technology to inmates. These   Act of 1998 established public   Recently, correctional facili-
           efforts involve a variety of   employment locations known   ties and the departments that
           initiatives, including job fairs,   as Career One Stop Centers   govern them have become
           job readiness training, and   across the country. As tech-  more open to allowing such
           soft-skills awareness activities.   nology evolved, states began   technologies. In some facili-
           In recognition of this need,   providing web-based career   ties, tablets are being deployed
           states are making the invest-  services that allowed citizens   to inmates as a means to offer
           ment to strengthen the bond   to go online to create résumés,   educational and entertainment
           between workforce agencies   conduct labor market research,   content, or as a way to help
           and state and local correc-  take skills assessments, iden-  modify behavior. Inmates can
           tions entities. The staggering   tify training, and apply for   also communicate with family
           costs of incarceration has led   jobs.                     through these devices, which
           to criminal justice reforms                                generate revenue based on
                                                                      usage for the correctional facil-
                                                                      ity and device providers.

                                                                                Continued on page 72

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