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Health &

                                                    WELLNESS SUMMIT

                                                       FOR JAIL PROFESSIONALS

                                                    Strategies for Increasing

                                                    Resilience and Retention

                                                    Register Now—

                                                    Capacity Is Limited to 300!

        Registration:                               October 24–26, 2021 / Columbus, Ohio

        $495                                        The American Jail Association is honored to present

                                                    the Health & Wellness Summit for Jail Professionals.

        Nonmember                                   Concerned about retention? Focused on overall
                                                    agency wellness? Searching for tools to help staff
        Registration:                               develop resilience and coping strategies? This

        $555*                                       summit provides education that every facility can
                                                    use to develop stronger staff and operations!

                                                    Here’s a sneak-peek at just a few of the workshops:

                                                      Promote Retention Through Mentoring
            More information on
                                                       Reverse Engineer Burnout & Compassion Fatigue
         the Health and Wellness
                                                      Assess and Address Your Stress
             Summit begins on
                                                       Create a Mindful Culture at Home and Work:
                   page 37.                             A 3-Step Process

                                                          Attendance is limited to 300 registrants.
                                                                    Reserve your spot now!
        one-year AJA                                  For registration and housing, visit
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