Page 6 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 6
Let’s Talk About It
Mandy Lambert, CJM It wasn’t until 1984 when Until someone has walked edge. In addition, we must be
President Ronald Reagan in the shoes of a corrections proactive, not reactive! AJA is
declared by proclamation the employee, it is difficult to always interested in hearing
first week of May as “National comprehend the multifaceted, what training is needed in the
Correctional Officers Week” complex, workintensive day field. Please let the staff know
that the corrections profession or night shifts. There are never any concerns that may be
would be recognized. From two days that are the same. brewing on the horizon so that
May 2 to May 8, 2021, we cel The work is never done; some we can help you to get ahead
ebrated National Correctional thing always happens to force of the storm. AJA is willing
Officers and Employees Week, a “hat change.” Yet every day, to tailor our training offer
recognizing the officers and you perform your responsibili ings to your agency’s goals
staff who operate our nation’s ties with resilience, persever and needs. Training not only
jails. ance, and professionalism. provides you with the tools to
The American Jail Associa Pat yourselves on the back for acquire the proficiency neces
tion and the Board of Directors your work, be proud of your sary to manage and supervise
would like to thank each one profession, and keep learning in our environment, but it also
of you for your contribution about our amazing industry! creates a culture of readiness.
to public safety. I am so proud Also, consider becom
of the work that each of you Speaking of Learning ing involved. Have you ever
does dayin and dayout, and As we move toward some thought of hosting a training
you should be, too. This is a semblance of normalcy, I event? What about becoming
profession that most would encourage you to search for an instructor? Or writing an
not consider entering; it is a the amazing training oppor article for American Jails? There
profession that can make for a tunities that are available for are perks to doing so—and
long stressful day, but can also jails. During the height of the you are giving back to the pro
be rewarding. global pandemic, many of us fession! Please reach out to the
paused our training, and right AJA Training and Professional
fully so. However, training Development staff for more
is the pulse of our business. information.
Because we work in an indus
Because we share the try that is constantly changing Promoting Health and
and evolving, it is our respon
sibility to maintain a level of The number of corrections
same experiences, we proficiency and awareness professionals who have shared
of all things trending in our their “story” with me since
must become advocates facilities. Oftentimes, we can learning of my President’s
not do that without external
Initiative on the health and
training opportunities such wellness of corrections staff is
for each another. as seminars, conferences, and truly inspiring. It has certainly
summits. provided me with the reas
Training and liability go surance that we must address
handinhand, with training what occurs in this environ
oftentimes an afterthought. ment and the negative conse
Jails are ready, able, and will quences of not confronting it.
ing to reduce liability while
still increasing staff knowl Continued on page 68