Page 11 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 11
Orlando, Florida
Despite being in a pandemic,
the Orange County Corrections
Department celebrated National
Correctional Officers and
Employees Week with plenty of There was a talent show where
fanfare and festivities. employees could submit pre
recorded video entries that were
Each day during the week, shown on a loop on the largescreen
greeters holding appreciation signs, TVs in staff dining throughout the
balloons, and pompoms were at week. A panel of judges selected
various entry points on the jail the winner. Also on the loop were
compound to welcome staff as they videotaped messages of apprecia
reported for their shift. tion from the mayor, the county
The department was presented administrator, and the director of
with a proclamation from the mayor public safety.
in honor of the occasion. All staff Finally, there was a wall of grati
members received a corrections tote tude where staff members could
bag as a token of appreciation. They express the things for which they’re
also received a voucher for a com grateful. One theme was evident—
plimentary meal at staff dining that staff are appreciative of their jobs,
could be used during the week. their supportive colleagues, and
The department hosted Spirit the strong leadership team at the
Week where employees could wear department.
crazy socks, and favorite team —Christina Grover,
jerseys and hats. A relaxed dress Public Information Officer
code was in place for the week, & Tour Coordinator
and civilian staff were permitted to
wear jeans. Employees were entered
in random drawings to win $25
gift cards to local restaurants and