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           Defuniak Springs, Florida

             The Walton County Sheriff’s
           Office celebrated its frontline heroes
           during National Correctional
           Officers and Employees week by
           treating officers to a variety of
           delicious meals provided by four
           local restaurants. The Jail Division’s
           senior leadership team drove to
           each restaurant, picked up the
           prepared meals, and delivered
           the meals to all shifts. In addition,
           upgraded employee meals were
           prepared by the food service staff.
             A custom “Thank You” banner
           was prominently displayed at the
           entrance roadway to the sheriff’s
           office complex to promote the spe­
           cial recognition week.            tinuously performs in an exemplary
             The Jail Division team had an   manner, but during the COVID
           emotional kickoff to the week as a   response and operational planning,
           local artist delivered a special sur­  they were truly superheroes.
           prise to Lieutenant Chris Keith in an   Sheriff Michael A. Adkinson
           impromptu presentation. During a   remarked, “This year’s National
           recent promotion ceremony, a photo   Corrections Officers and Employees
           was captured by WCSO Public       Week validated the incredible sup­
           Information Officer Corey Dobridnia   port and mutual respect we enjoy
           of Lt. Keith and his 2­year­old son.   in our community. The unsolicited
           The photo was featured on our social   desire by local business owners
           media pages and caught the eye of   and citizens who chose to join us in
           an anonymous citizen who commis­  honoring these corrections profes­
           sioned local artist Irina Roberts to   sionals was especially impactful
           paint the image.                  to our team. In Walton County, we
             During the week, special recog­  love the citizens we serve and they
           nition was also given to medical   consistently remind us that they
           and nursing staff to mark National   love us, too.”
           Nurses Day. Our medical staff con­           —Jennifer Churchwell,
                                                            Executive Assistant

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