Page 19 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 19
Houston, Texas
Since the beginning of the
COVID19 pandemic, the Harris
County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO)
detention officers and staff have
worked hard to maintain high
public service and care. We’re grate
ful to these heroes for their selfless
dedication and recognized their
efforts during National Correctional
Officers and Employees Week.
The first time this very spe
cial week for detention officers
and the staff was celebrated by
HCSO was in 2017. Aramark
Food, Starbucks, Harris County
Deputies Organization (HCDO), receive this prestigious certifica provided information such as
and the Mexican American Sheriffs tion. Detention Lieutenant Eric mental health advice and financial
Organization (MASO) helped to Templeton was also recognized tips. The event lasted until midnight
make the celebrations a success. for completing the National Jail to ensure all staff of the criminal
The opening ceremony was held Leadership Command Academy justice command could enjoy the
Wednesday and led by Sheriff Ed Class #36. day’s events.
Gonzalez and Chief of Detentions After the ceremony, staff On Thursday, MASO provided a
Shannon Herklotz. Detention members were treated to ham truck that served tacos, beans, and
Officer Jonathan Henley was rec burgers and hot dogs provided by rice to all staff. The week was such
ognized for obtaining his Certified Aramark Food, cooked by HCDO, a success that staff members asked,
Jail Officer certification. Officer and served by HCSO command “What are the plans for next year?”
Henley is the only detention officer staff. Starbucks provided coffee —Detention Lieutenant Lynette
employed by the HCSO to test and and pastries. Various vendors Anderson