Page 17 - 2021_SO_Cover
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LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN by a selection panel. We were proud The DSD CARES (Connecting
POLICE DEPARTMENT to recognize two of our many Access to Resources for Entering
Las Vegas, Nevada outstanding employees for their Society) Program is an event that is
hard work and dedication, and for held in the Clark County Detention
The Las Vegas Metropolitan upholding our department’s ICARE Center to provide resources from
Police Department (LVMPD) used values (integrity, courage, account more than 20 community partners
National Correctional Officers ability, respect, and excellence). to inmates who are reentering our
and Employees Week to recognize community. Corrections officers
employees for upholding depart The Special Emergency Response assigned to the DSD created this
ment values, graduating from a Team (SERT) is a tactically trained innovative program and were rec
rigorous training program, and con unit of corrections officers who are ognized by LVMPD with a Medal of
tributing to the agency’s mission. assigned to the jails that are oper Merit commendation for contribut
The LVMPD Detention Services ated by LVMPD. Selected officers ing to the agency’s mission to “pro
undergo a rigorous training pro
Division (DSD) began an employee gram to become members of our vide exceptional police services in
recognition tradition four years elite team. This year, we conducted partnership with the community.”
ago. Civilian and commissioned an academy and graduated 16 —Captain Nita Schmidt
employees are nominated by others officers in a celebration to recognize
and the submissions are reviewed their achievement.