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           Washington, Pennsylvania
             National Correctional Officers
           and Employees Week at the
           Washington County Correctional
           Facility included a proclamation
           from the Washington County Board
           of Commissioners. There were
           enhanced menu items at the din­
           ing facility, including homemade
           meals cooked by staff members for
           the officers on duty. Command staff
           recognized employees by attend­
           ing all roll calls and celebrated with
           a new 12­hour, 3 ½­day per week
            —Jeffrey S. Fewell, CJM, Warden

                                             MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                             Mesa, Arizona

                                                During National Correctional Officers and Employees Week, all staff
                                             were given EPIC (Essential, Phenomenal, Inspiring, Courageous) water
                                             bottles filled with candy and raffle tickets. Meals were served on multiple
                                             days, and the Mesa FOP representative and detention sergeants cooked
                                             hamburgers and hot dogs for employees one day.
                                                We thank the Mesa Fraternal Order of Police Association Lodge 9,
                                             Mesa Police Association, and the Mesa Citizen Police Academy Alumni
                                             Association for their generous do nations to sponsor the week’s events.
                                                                    —Detention Administrator Christina Vangorden

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