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P. 7
Celebrating each other
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind Yuberky Almonte, CJM
word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of
caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
Leo BuscagLia
Our profession consists of care, as well as expressing a bag gift with a logo that said
responding to incidents to simple act of kindness, goes “Superheroes Work Here” to
quell situations that are, at a long way in our stressful memorialize appreciation. In
times, fueled with uncertain and taskdriven profession. I this issue, you will find more
outcomes and may place us also consider fellowship as an celebrations in facilities across
in unsafe or unpredictable opportunity to do my part as the country.
positions. Trying to stay ahead best as I can, in the hopes that On a final note, do not
of games played by the idle it provides a positive contribu allow the dayin and dayout
minds of those who are under tion to employee morale and of our daily grind to desen
our supervision, dealing with wellness. sitize you from each other.
manipulation, intimidation, I want to take a moment to Find happiness and gratitude,
disrespect, and working long share one example for me that in saying hello and greeting
hours away from our loved has touched and validated the someone with a smile, a fist
ones—all while trying to value of fellowship. Recently, bump or better yet a fist bump
balance and stay within the I was blessed with the oppor with a blowout (my favorite
parameters of laws, standards, tunity to adopt a beautiful by the way). Send an email
guidelines and procedures— baby girl. Our angel is almost to tell someone “Haven’t
are part of our everyday a year old. It is amazing how seen you in a while, hope all
challenges. supportive my coworkers, is well” or leave a note on a
The one thing within our NJLCA colleagues, and broth desk to say, “Came by your
reach, which can make a world ers and sisters from other work station, sorry we missed
of difference in an employee’s agencies have been. Most each other.” Wish someone
workday or in their personal importantly, I am continually a Happy Birthday, or let
lives, is the act of fellowship. asked to show pictures of her, someone know, “I appreciate
What does fellowship mean to as well as requests to be kept you.” Offer to help someone;
you? Equally important, how in the loop of her growth and let someone know you are
often do you take a moment milestones. To me, these acts available to talk when they are
to have fellowship with your of caring and kindness are experiencing a hard time; or
coworkers or with your staff? priceless. provide guidance to someone
Although those in our profes During National to inspire growth.
sion tend to at times be con Correctional Officers and These small actions for
sumed with being “strong,” Employees Week, Osceola many are highly valued and
ultimately it does not matter County Corrections greatly appreciated.
how mentally or emotionally Department (Florida) honored
strong we are—we all want to our staff and vendors with
feel and be appreciated. our command team serving YUBERKY ALMONTE, CJM
For me, fellowship is a special meal to all onduty Major
being kind toward my fellow staff during a twoday period. Osceola County Corrections
brothers and sisters. Showing In addition, staff and ven Kissimmee, Florida
those around you that you dors were provided a lunch