Page 5 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 5
In This Issue:
Celebrations from agencies
located across the country
begin on page 8. Other
articles discuss resilience,
staff wellness, lessons from
new leaders, and the 80/20 business rule.
Executive Director and Publisher
Chris D. Daniels, MPA, CAE
Director, Marketing and Communications
Joel Huffer
departments Managing Editor
Sandra L. Lunsford
4 President’s Commentary ExEcutivE committEE
Mandy Lambert, CJM
5 Guest Editorial Manassas, Virginia
President Elect
7 Executive Director’s Remarks Darren Sieger, MS, CJM
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
1st Vice President
59 Notes from the Field Louis A. Quinones, Jr., MS, CJM, CCE, CPM
Orlando, Florida
64 Board Profile: Daniel M. Engert, CJM 2nd Vice President
Shawn C. Laughlin, MCJ, CJM
Broomfield, Colorado
70 Chaplain’s Corner
3rd Vice President
Robert Leslie Hood, CJM
72 Index to Advertisers Columbiana, Alabama
Sam Davis, MA, CJM
East Lansing, Michigan
AJA Items of Interest
Eddie K. Lance, CJM
32 Honoring AJA’s Certification Liaisons Southern Pines, North Carolina
Immediate Past President
60 AJA Industry Affiliate Members Marsha P. Travis, CJM, CCM, CBHC-CO
Nashville, Tennessee
Statements contained in American Jails are
65 AJA 2021–2022 Officers & Board of Directors the personal views of the authors and do not
constitute AJA policy unless so indicated.
AJA does not assume responsibility for the
66 Recognizing New Certifications content of American Jails as submitted by
contributors. Material may be edited at the
association’s discretion. We will consider for
71 Jail Manager Certification Commission publication all previously unpublished photo-
graphs and manuscripts and particularly seek
material that has a value to staff who work in
jails. AJA is not responsible for loss or damage
of any submissions.
American Jails (Library of Congress ISSN 1056-
8 0319) is published bimonthly by the Ameri-
can Jail Association, 1135 Professional Court,
Hagers town, MD 21740-5853, phone 301–
790–3930 or fax 301–790–2941. The publica-
tion of advertisements does not represent
an endorsement of those products or ser-
vices by the association. Copyright 2021, by
the American Jail Association. Subscription
rate to AJA members is included in the an-
nual membership dues. Single copy, current
issue $15. Past issues $20 each.
Printed in the U.S.A. by EP Graphics
Design by Lori Schulman, HBP, Inc.
APEX Award Winners 2013–2018