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           Health & Wellness for Staff

           We are all familiar with the    I was very pleased to hear    President Lambert has          Chris D. Daniels
           adage that you must take     that AJA President Mandy      started the conversation on
           care of yourself in order to   Lambert, CJM, had chosen    staff health and wellness and
           take care of others. But that   “Staff Health and Wellness”   is committed to ensuring that
           can be difficult when you are   as the focus of her President’s   it remain a focus. In support of
           caught in an unexpected situ­  Initiative. I feel fortunate to   this initiative, we are conven­
           ation where the only solution   be able to support such a   ing the AJA Health & Wellness
           is to power through. Later,   meaningful effort that will no   Summit for Jail Professionals,
           when there is time to reflect   doubt have a positive impact   October 24–26, in Columbus,
           upon what happened, it may   on thousands of corrections   Ohio. Staff health and wellness
           feel easier to just bury it and   officers who give so much of   is a critical factor in employee
           attempt to move on.          themselves to support public   retention. By helping our staff
             If that becomes a pattern of   safety. We need to acknowl­  stay healthy and to develop
           behavior, it eventually takes   edge that stress is a problem,   resilience, we create officers
           a toll on our physical and   make it OK to talk about it,   who become strong and
           mental well­being. And then,   and ensure that a safety net   invested in our facilities.
           we may be tempted to engage   is in place to provide support   So if your agency is expe­
           in behaviors—such as overeat­  when and where it’s needed.  riencing challenges in these
           ing or drinking alcohol—that    Taking our lead from       areas, I strongly encourage
           may make us feel better in the   President Lambert, this edi­  you to attend. Registration
           moment, but only exacerbate   tion of American Jails contains   is open. Please visit AJA’s
           the problem over time.       several articles that can help   website and register today as
             Working in corrections     your staff manage their stress.   attendance to this summit is
           is stressful, and that’s not   On page 21, Brenda Dietzman   limited. I hope to see you in
           going to change. What we can   discusses resilience—why    Columbus.
           change is how we acknowl­    it is important and how to
           edge and mitigate that stress.   develop it. Sgt. Beetz and   CHRIS D. DANIELS, MPA, CAE
           We are all responsible for our   Sgt. Dejesus, training offi­  Executive Director
           own well­being. After we rec­  cers from Hernando County,   American Jail Association
           ognize that we need help with   Florida, provide information
           coping, then it’s a matter of   on wellness outlets for staff.
           finding the resources we need.   And don’t forget the facility
           What may help one individual   celebrations during National
           cope with stress may not work   Correctional Officers and
           for another, so it may be neces­  Employees Week this past     If that becomes a pattern
           sary to explore a variety of   May. Beginning on page
           options. That’s when our sup­  8, these celebrations boost
           port network becomes criti­  morale, show support, and re­      of behavior, it eventually
           cally important. For example,   energize the staff in our jails.
           this support may be a men­                                   takes a toll on our physical
           tor program or an employee
           assistance program that your
           facility offers for staff.                                        and mental well-being.

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