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In this profession, you see, hear, feel What is Resilience is the capacity to prepare for,
(both mentally and physically), and cope with, and grow through adversity.
sometimes—unfortunately—even smell Reread that. There is a lot in there.
and taste things other human beings So, let’s break this down.
never experience. I don’t need to say resilience
this, but I will just for clarity—you Resilience is the capacity to prepare
are going to experience more trauma for adversity. Can you really prepare
and adversity than most other people for adversity and traumatic events? Yes,
because you chose this profession. And and how you can and in a way that allows you to
over time, what resilience you have can move through events in a healthier way.
start to be overwhelmed by what you This is called pretraumatic growth. So,
experience. how do you do it?
By nature, we tend to rest on our suc do we Think about all those resources in
cesses. We are tough, so we don’t think your life that either do or could make
we need to work on developing our you stronger and more resilient. Here
resilience. But because we will experi are some examples: your family, faith,
ence more adversity than most, it is develop it? friends, pets, knowledge, health, hob
imperative that we all work to continu bies, diet and exercise routine, finances,
ously develop this attribute. an optimistic outlook, a meditation
Over the years, I’ve watched people and mindfulness practice, and your
go into this profession with a mission to change the life’s purpose. You can probably think of several other
world. In countless hiring interviews, applicants have examples as well. If properly attended to and intention
told me how they want to make a difference. I have ally developed, these resources can be utilized to help
watched many go through their careers with their pas you live a healthier, more resilient life.
sion and purpose growing and helping so many people. Here is an example: Let’s say your car’s transmission
But I have also seen others whose light has dimmed; fails. In this situation, there is a big difference between
those who came into the profession believing they someone who has an emergency fund established
could change the world but, instead, the world changed and someone who does not. Even though we all hate
them. They became bitter and pessimistic, and suffered spending money on unexpected car repairs, having an
from alcoholism, health problems, divorce, and depres emergency fund makes this situation a lot less stress
sion. A few even became suicidal. ful. As a result, you are more resilient and capable of
If you have ever questioned why you chose a stress weathering that particular storm. The caveat is that you
ful profession like corrections with its effects on your must build that resource (emergency fund) before you
health, here is some hope. In a study published in the need it. Therefore, we develop our resiliency tools and
American Journal of Public Health, researchers found that resources before we need them, so they are available to
helping others reduced the risk of early death. Kelly us in times of adversity and trauma.
McGonigal discussed this study in her TED talk, “How (Side Note: Understand that developing these
to Make Stress Your Friend.” She summarized the study resources doesn’t mean you won’t experience grief or
by saying, “Chasing meaning is better for your health pain, but, if utilized, they will help you move through it
than trying to avoid discomfort.” In other words, the in a healthier way.)
meaning and purpose in our profession can naturally
create resilience.
By intentionally developing our resilience, we not Resilience is the capacity to cope with adversity. This
is the part of the definition where people in service pro
only survive our careers, but we can literally grow and fessions tend to get tripped up. We are tough, indepen
thrive through them in a healthy and fulfilling way.
dent, and strong people. We are accustomed to people
coming to us for help and strength. But here is what
Building Resilience you need to understand: You can have all those resil
What is resilience and how do we develop it? How iency tools in your toolbox but unless you actually use
can we build the firm foundation that we all need for them in times of adversity, they are not going to help
a satisfying and purposeful career? First, we need to you through the situation.
understand the meaning of resilience. Most people While we are in adversity, we need to call friends
think being resilient is simply the ability to bounce back and family for a listening ear. If so inclined, we can
after being knocked down. But I want to expand that lean on our faith. Maintaining healthy eating habits
definition so we can better prepare and move through can help us to stay strong. Exercise and movement can
what this career and life itself throws at us. Ready?