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spouses and families while combat­
                                                                                ting their stress in a positive way.
                                                                                  These are just a couple of the
                                                                                outlets that our agency has recently
                                                                                provided to our staff. We also offer
                                                                                yoga, meditation, and Zumba

                                                                                Concluding Thoughts
                                                                                  Mental health awareness has
                                                                                come a long way in the last 10
                                                                                years. Now is the time to move
                                                                                from speaking about it to acting on
                                                                                it. Agencies need to create a variety
                                                                                of paths for their employees to posi­
                                                                                tively cope with their stress.
                                                                                  The actions that agencies take,
                                                                                or choose not to take, will have a
                                                                                tremendous impact on their officers’
                                                                                wellness throughout their careers—
                                                                                whether that be in a positive or
                                                                                negative way. The path that your
           working in this field. After witness­  people manage their problems   agency chooses will determine if
           ing the many tears shed during    through exercise or other physical   you simply continue to develop
           our classes, we knew we needed    activity. Others may go the medita­  more statistics or if your agency
           more than one in­service class to   tion route or lean toward something   becomes one of the leaders of
           truly fight the battle of the mental   a little more spiritual. There is no   change in officer wellness. 
           breakdowns that many correctional   limit to the amount of outlets that
           officers experience in their everyday  an agency can create. With regard
           roles. And we learned that officers   to officer wellness, the more outlets   Sergeant Justin Beetz started his
           needed daily outlets to help them   the better!                      career in corrections with the Hernando
           with these battles.                  One outlet that our agency      County Sheriff’s Office as a detention
                                                                                deputy in 2013 and has become dual
                                             has adopted to combat the men­     certified for both corrections and law
           Wellness Committee                tal health crisis is to completely   enforcement. He is employed by Pasco
             Since that training, our agency   revamp our gyms at the Sheriff’s   Hernando State College as an instructor
           has created a wellness committee   Office and the Detention Center.   where he spends time teaching correc-
                                                                                tions recruits various topics, and devel-
           that commits its time to strictly   Just as when a new gym opens in   oped the Officer Wellness Program at
           finding different outlets that we   your area, people tend to join just   the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office
           can bring to our employees. These   to see the new equipment and to   which includes “Officer Wellness
           outlets guide them to better solu­  experience the atmosphere. The   Sessions.” He can be contacted at
           tions to alleviate their stress than   same was true when our agency
           choosing unhealthy foods and      revamped our gyms. The amount      Sergeant Javier Dejesus, CCS,
           alcohol. The wellness committee   of employees who are utilizing the   currently serves as Housing Shift
           gives deputies the opportunity to   gyms has grown exponentially.    Commander and is the Commander of
                                                                                the Special Response Team (SRT). He
           volunteer their time to help guide   Another outlet that our agency   started his career in corrections with
           the positive change in our agency.   developed for our employees is to   the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office
           The committee meets twice a month   provide a free bike rental service.   as a detention deputy in 2010, and is
           to discuss improvements that can be   Employees can borrow bicycles for   dual certified in corrections and law
           made to help our deputies’ manager   themselves and family members   enforcement. He also is employed by
                                                                                the Withlacoochee Technical College as
           with the stress they accrue from   from the Sheriff’s Office in order   an instructor where he teaches cadets.
           their shifts.                     to get some exercise together. This   He has worked extensively on develop-
             Outlets come in many shapes     not only encourages our employees   ing the Officer Wellness Program at the
           and forms, and not every outlet   to exercise, but also allows them   Hernando County Sheriff’s Office. He
                                                                                can be contacted at jdejesus@hernan-
           works for every person. Some      to spend quality time with their

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