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help our bodies actually process trauma. If we don’t the rock others need. You can thrive through this pur
use our resources in times of adversity, it’s similar to a poseful career even as you carry the emotional and—
mechanic whose car breaks down and doesn’t use his unfortunately for some—the physical scars of the job.
or her tools and knowledge to fix it. You need to use the
tools in order for them to be effective. Concluding Thoughts
Take some time right now to think about your
Resilience is the capacity to grow through adversity. resources. Write them down. Then create a plan that
Think back to a difficult event in your life. It could be can help you to develop and build those resources.
something that happened either on or off the job. What Then the next time you feel anxious, work a difficult
did you learn? What were the lessons you gleaned shift, or experience some sort of trauma, review that list
from it? Did you find a meaning or a purpose from the of resources and use the ones that can help you in that
event? Have you ever really thought through these moment. Then, once that event is behind you, look for
questions? any lessons learned and work to use those in your life.
This is called posttraumatic growth. I recognize In future articles, we will examine ways to develop
there are some events that happen in life where finding resilience tools, how to use them, and learn how to
meaning is next to impossible. But can you find some grow through trauma and adversity.
good? How can you use the lessons you learned to
make the world a safer and better place? Learn to grow
through adversity and let those experiences help you Colonel Brenda Dietzman spent 28 years in law enforcement
and others in the future. and corrections, retiring as the undersheriff in charge of jail
operations in Wichita, Kansas. She is an IADLEST certified
trainer and has presented to national and international audi-
The Importance of Building Resources ences on resilience and a variety of leadership topics. She
Remember the last time you flew and heard the can be contacted through her website at brendadietzman.
safety talk about those masks that drop from the ceiling com or directly at
in the event of an emergency? Remember how the air
line employee said to put your own mask on first before
helping anyone else? There is a reason for that.
If you are unconscious, you can’t help others. It
is impossible. The same goes for resiliency. So often National Conference
we place taking care of ourselves and building our
resources as the last item on our list because helping on Correctional Health Care
others is what we are built to do. But if you don’t take
care of yourself, you eventually break down. Think October 30-November 3, 2021
about it this way: When we take care of ourselves, we Hyatt Regency Chicago
are actually ensuring we will be strong enough to take
care of others. We need to be resilient for others as well Live and In-Person!
as for ourselves.
Building our resilience is very important in today’s
world. Incredible people get into this career, then day
in and dayout they are confronted with stressful and,
at times, traumatic events. In the past, there was an REGISTER
expectation for them to “suck it up” and to “just get before October 1
through” whatever they witnessed and experienced, AND SAVE!
not only during a rough shift but through their entire
Thankfully, that mindset is changing. Organizations
are starting to take the idea of wellness seriously. But • More than 100 educational presentations • Up to 32 CE credits
ultimately, the responsibility lies with each one of us. • Hot-topic preconference seminars • Certification exams
Be your own best friend. Develop a selfcare routine • Educational luncheons • Exhibit hall events
and take care of yourself. Work on developing those • Keynote session and annual awards presentation
resources that make you more resilient. Those tools
are what will help you thrive—not only through your
career but throughout your life as well. By doing so, Visit to register.
you create a firm foundation that will enable you to be For more information, contact
• Up to 32 CE credits
• CCHP exams
• Special CCHP 30th anniversary
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• Exhibit hall events