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Fortunately, in our integra 4. Enable Your Officers 5. Find a Role Model
tion of the 30 new employees, the My team has made great prog The best advice I can give anyone
majority of these staff adapted to ress, but there is always room for stepping into this role at a young
our procedures well and appre improvement. Guiding them into a age is to find someone within your
ciated the structure our agency role where less supervisory inter agency who can serve as your role
provides. A change in their environ vention is required and helping model or mentor. You cannot learn
ment increased their morale and them to develop more confidence in everything on your own. Being a
productivity. their decisionmaking are my next productive, knowledgeable leader is
Providing structure not only two goals. My plans also include experiencebased. If you are unsure
assisted with managing staff but implementing policydriven train about something, consult with a
also with the management of new ing programs to increase all team peer.
inmates. At first, there were a few members’ general knowledge of I am fortunate to have a strong
isolated incidents with new inmates policies and standard operating management team—whether it’s
resisting “the system.” However, procedures. my lieutenants or my chief. They
shortly into the transition, the I want to build a foundation that are all extremely motivating and
inmates also became acclimated is beneficial for them now as well as provide needed career development
to the DCSO’s way of operation. for future advancement in this pro guidance as well as assistance in
Our facility now has the lowest fession. If I can help teach them this supervisory improvements. Don’t
“response to subject behavior” in the shortterm, it will be a great ever hesitate to ask the questions
(also known as “use of force”) rates investment for their future along that will make you better leader.
among four correctional facilities in with the future of our agency. And, if needed, lean on those
the agency. Your team not only reflects your around you. Do not try to do every
agency but your leadership as well. thing yourself. If you have a part
3. Encourage Professional That being said, setting the bar for ner, work with them. Sometimes
Development your team and constantly improv you can get advice about something
Those in leadership positions ing yourself is a necessity. I feel that you did not even know you needed
should encourage professional if I am pushing my officers to obtain advice on. This is not a profession
development opportunities. A great their certifications, then I need to that we can do alone; we are a team.
benefit to DCSO (and an encourag obtain certification as well. In fact, I We need to support each other in
ing factor) is that our AJA liaison am currently working on acquiring order to succeed in our mission.
officer is also my facility’s chief of points to take AJA’s Certified Jail
security. I worked to get a majority Supervisor exam. Concluding Thoughts
of my corporals motivated to obtain Another big lesson learned is that About that corporal I mentioned
their Certified Jail Officer (CJO) your team’s morale reflects your earlier. When I talked to him about
certification. own. We have overcome many chal the vast differences in our age and
Not only do I feel this assisted lenges in the past year as a group. experience, he said words that reas
with increasing morale, but it Being that beacon of positive energy sure me of my path and inspire me
also enhanced their pride in their has not only helped them push to continue to succeed, improve,
profession. The prospective CJOs through these challenges but also to and help others to do the same. He
worked as a team to motivate each excel at the task. told me, “It doesn’t matter where
other with the certification process. There will be times of frustration, you were 18 years ago, Jines. We’re
And by helping the next person but possessing character and values just happy you’re here now, sir.”
while improving their own profes can assist you in overcoming the
sional development, they increased seemingly insurmountable barriers
the DCSO’s professionalism. They that can occur. When this happens, Samuel Jines, CJO, CBHC, is a ser-
(along with two of my peers who do not complain to your subordi geant for the Davidson County Sheriff’s
obtained their CJO) have main nates about agency issues. Instead, Office in Nashville Tennessee. Although
tained a 100% pass rate and the walk into your lieutenant’s office new in his supervisory role, he has
worked in many capacities while at
remaining few are currently work or call another supervisor in order DCSO, including corporal in both the
ing to schedule their test date. to vent. It is their job to manage the Restrictive Housing Units and Booking.
units and your job to provide a safe He has worked with both male and
female offenders (pretrial and post-
and structured environment for that conviction). He can be contacted at
to happen.