Page 37 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 37
as mandatory overtime and inad performing employees either rise
equate staffing, etc. These are all to meet the higher standard or quit
issues that often negatively affect altogether.
employee morale, and we do not As crazy as this sounds, that’s
always have strategies in place to perfectly fine. Because again, with
combat the low morale that these the Pareto Principle, your 20% of
issues bring. employees will account for the
Does your agency have an most productivity anyway; so all
“Officer of the Month” award? Do won’t be lost if those bottom feeders
you offer performance bonuses? choose not to continue.
Do you have a monthly lunch/
BBQ for your staff to show your Supervisor Performance
agency appreciation? Do you give Evaluations
out coins, shirts, or patches so The 80/20 Rule as applied to
employees feel engaged and proud employee morale in law enforce
of where they work? Are employees ment will only truly work with
recognized often for positive inter a fair and objective performance
actions with the public? These are evaluation. Every single one of my
what will keep your good employ employees who performs in the top
ees loyal. 10% of the total workforce on his
Not everyone needs a participa or her annual evaluation receives a
tion award. However, good employ personal email from me asking to
ees do need reaffirmation that the meet.
work they are performing isn’t When we meet in person, I thank
going unnoticed. Switch focus from them for their hard work and posi
keeping tabs on the nonperforming tive attitude, and I speak to them
80% to a more positive focus of your about their short and longterm
top 20% of performers, then watch career goals as well as personal
the productivity soar even higher. goals. It takes only 10 minutes out
When this happens, you should of my hectic day, but the long
see the following: lasting positivity that it brings to
• The morale of the top 20% will the employee will last for years to
skyrocket and productivity come.
should soar, possibly reaching an I’ve had several employees
even higher output than before. (who have been in the depart
all workload, you could possibly • The bottom 80% will see that the ment 10plus years) tell me that
improve the output even more. high performers are receiving our meeting was the first time they
Sometimes supervisors and incentives for their work ethic, felt a manager had even fully read
managers choose to focus on the and they will be motivated to their evaluation (not skimmed) and
employees who do not perform to reach the top level of productive offered positive input. Not only
standard. This is understandable as employees. does our conversation allow me to
good supervisors want to hold the Of course, there is still going to build rapport and learn more about
underperformers accountable for be some lowhanging fruit (poor the employee on a personal level,
the work they are not completing. performers) who will not be moti but it makes the employee feel like a
However, in this concept, the focus vated or engaged to reach the valued member of the agency.
should be concentrated on the top higher level no matter what, and Now, instead of applying it to
performers solely. that’s okay. Business data and sta raw data, let’s apply it in a different
So, what about these amazing tistics show those employees don’t way.
employees? Ask yourself an hon tend to have longevity anyway,
est question: Do they feel appreci and more than likely will separate Time Management Goals
ated? Valued? Are they given perks themselves soon enough. Studies My favorite personal way to
and incentives to continue their find that when the 80/20 Rule is utilize the 80/20 Rule is in the time
high productivity? In corrections, applied to employees, sales, and management of my current unit
we deal with serious issues such commissioned projects, the lower when referencing goals, objectives,