Page 40 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 40


           Staff Health and Wellness

                 or those who work in correc-  President Lambert continues, “We   “I’m going to demand that we under-
                 tions, stress has long been   are guarded. We put up this wall   stand the value of our jail profession-
           Faccepted as a component          around us that we are tough and we   als across the country,” she said. “I
           of the job. Therefore, it comes as no   are thick-skinned, and nothing both-  think it’s going to be a challenging
           surprise when national statistics paint   ers us. I think that’s part of how we   year with this initiative, but with the
           a bleak picture of how stress damages  were trained, but I also think it’s part   people who are willing and ready to
           the lives of correctional staff.  of how we are wired.”              address this, I feel that we are going

           The effects of this stress are now   Jails have “jumped in headfirst” to   to have a large showing. I really do.”
           being recognized as a critical issue in   do their best with the inmate popu-  To view more on the President’s
           the field. For her President’s Initiative   lation, but often forget about their   Initiative, visit
           in 2021–2022, AJA President Mandy   own staff. Health and wellness are   staffwellness.
           Lambert, CJM is raising awareness   much larger than just mental health.
           of the importance of staff health and   “So many factors come into play to
           wellness. She says, “It is OK to not    make us a well-rounded example of   SUMMIT VENUE
           be OK.”                           a healthy employee,” Lambert said.
                                             “We’re talking about somebody          Hyatt Regency Columbus
           “Our role as jail professionals is one
           that is a heavy lift, and we see hor-  who is on their A game, ready to go,   350 N. High Street
           rible things behind those walls,”   happy, ready to start the day with   Columbus, OH 43215
           President Lambert said during her   spirit.”
           interview with Immediate Past Presi-  To answer the call to President Lam-
           dent Marsha Travis, CJM at AJA’s   bert’s initiative, AJA is hosting a
           virtual conference this past April.   staff health and wellness summit in
           “Those things that you can never   Columbus, Ohio on October 24–26,
           really explain unless you are the   2021. On the next few pages, learn
           boots on the ground.… It affects you   why this summit is important and
           cognitively, physically, mentally, and   how it can change the culture within
           behaviorally,” she said. “And those   your facility for the better.
           things are cumulative, unfortunately.”

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