Page 43 - 2021_SO_Cover
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           Organizational                    Physical                             Building Resilience: A Tactical
             Lessons Learned: Implementing a     Creating a Culture of Change:   Guide for Developing a Firm
             Staff Wellness Program in          Infusing Wellness in the Ethos of   Foundation for Mind, Body
             Your Facility                      Your Agency & Increase Retention,   and Spirit
             How Wellness Promotes Staff       Morale, and Employees’ Mental,     The Journey: Rising from PTSD
             Retention                          Emotional, and Physical Health    and the Edge of the Darkest Abyss
             Creating a Peer Support Program    Building Habits to Support Every-
             Leaders Speak on the Resilient    day Wellness                    Work/Life Balance
             Officer                           Qigong for the Mind-Body-Spirit    How to Create a Mindful Culture at
             Wellness: A Little Goes a        Health Crimes: Stop Breaking      Life and Home
             Long Way                           Your Bodies Laws of Nutrition and     Personal Life Management:
             •  Paint, Sound & Jail Design:     Lockdown Good Habits!             The Well-Rounded Corrections
               A Splash of Genius              Fitness from the Front Line       Officer—More Elusive Than
             •  Roll Call Training for Lifelong     Chair Yoga for Beginners     Bigfoot?
               Learners                                                           The New Generations: How to
             •  Helping Hidden Heroes:       Mental Emotional                     Recruit, Retain, and Motivate
               Mechanics & Benefits of         An Introduction to Meditation and     Effects of Work Life on Home Life:
               Volunteer Chaplains Solely       Mindfulness: How These Evidence-  Marriage and Family Relationships
               for Jail Staff                   Based Practices Build Resilience  at Risk
                                               Reverse Engineer Burnout and      Finance Stressors: How Personal
                                                Compassion Fatigue                Financial Stability Influences Your
                                               Assess and Address Your Stress    Work Life Balance
                                               Emotional Intelligence: Secrets to
           *subject to change                   Not Becoming A Jerk Corrections

               Let’s Get Physical!                                                    Each day attendees learn

                                                                                      about the research and
                                                                                      benefits on wellness through
                                                                                      the workshops and will
                                                                                      have the opportunity to
                                                                                      experience more of these
                                                                                      techniques with active

                                                                                      HIGH IMPACT
                                                                                      •  Front Line Fitness
                                                                                      •  Yoga for First Responders

                                                                                      MODERATE IMPACT
                                                                                      •  Qigong
                                                                                      •  Chair Yoga

                                                                                      LOW IMPACT
                                                                                      •  Mindfulness/Meditation
                                                                                      •  Leadership Journaling

                                                                         AMERICANJails   SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021   |  41
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