Page 46 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 46





                                                                  Monitoring System

        PASS-5B                                                   With Heart Rate Monitoring
        Detainee Tag

        HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS:                                     WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU:

        Detainees wear wrist-mounted, tamper-                     •  Provide alerts on high and low detainee
        resistant transmitting units that send a unique              heart rates
        radio signal on a user-configurable interval.
        The PASS-5B Detainee Tag measures detainee                •  Provide alerts on high detainee physical
        physical activity level and detainee heart rate.             activity levels

                                                                  •  Provide proximity alerts based on user-
        Signals are transmitted to specialized receivers
        mounted in detainee housing areas which are                  configurable detainee classifications
        forwarded over a dedicated Ethernet network                  (e.g. Covid Positive/Non-Vaccinated)
        to an application server for processing.                  •  Provide documentation useful for contact
                                                                     tracing purposes
        User-configurable alarms are annunciated
        on dedicated client workstations or on Black              •  Improve safety of both detainees and staff
        Creek Touchscreen Control Stations. Alarm
        annunciations include the detainee’s zone                 •  Help protect user agencies against lawsuits
        location in the facility.


           The PASS-5B Detainee Tag is not an FDA-approved medical device. The data provided by the PASS-5B is only intended to be an estimation of the metrics of the
         person wearing it and is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any health issues or conditions. The person wearing the PASS-5B Detainee Tag or any third party
                        using PASS-5B data should utilize other methods or consult with a doctor if precisely accurate medical data is required.
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