Page 48 - 2021_SO_Cover
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Values Structures of Organizations Encountered in the                  coupling moves from “loose”
           Criminal Justice Environment.                                          to “tight,” the more formal the
               Organizational    Societal Ends   Societal    Organizational       organizational structure, then the
                 Category          (Goals) +/-  Means +/-        Type             clearer the values of the organi­
                                                                                  zation are likely to be formally
           Professional Groups         +           +      Conventional            stated. For “disorganized” social
           Advocacy Groups             +           +      Conventional            movements, the relationship
           (CBOs/FBOs)                                                            potential is likely to be low.
           Research/Think-Tank         +           +      Conventional          •  For “rebellious” and “criminal”
           Groups                                                                 organizations, the relationship
           Social Movements            +           +      Conventional            between a CJ organization and
           Social Movements           - (+)       + (-)   Conventional/           an “innovative” organization is
                                                                                  likely to be oppositional.
           (Ressentiment)                                 Problematic
                                                                                •  The “ressentiment” social
           Social Movements            -            -     Problematic             movements are of particular
           (Rebellious)                                                           interest for CJ organizations.
           Criminal                    +            -     Problematic             Understanding the role that CJ
           (“Innovative”)                                                         organizations can play in help­
                                                                                  ing to guide the emerging social
                                                                                  movement toward a conven­
             The table shows the different      defined as socially desired, but   tional organizational role—rather
           types of organizations subdivided    utilize nonconventional means to   than pushing it toward a more
           in terms of their relationship to CJ   achieve them, especially criminal   rebellious or criminal organiza­
           organizations. These include several   behaviors.                      tional form—is important. Can
           types of generally “conventional”                                      relationships between formal CJ
           organizations:                    Understanding NG Organizations       agencies and emerging social
           •  Professional organizations.       CJ leaders must adapt to a        movements change the trajec­
             Examples include the various    rapidly changing organizational      tory of those emerging move­
             accrediting, training, and profes­  environment in order to achieve   ment organizations, and possibly
             sional membership organizations   the outcomes expected of their     lead to innovation within the CJ
             (e.g., IACP, ACA, ABA, AJA).    organization. Learning about the     organization?
           •  Advocacy and research organi-  value structures of the various NG   Far too little attention is paid
             zations. We include the range   organizations is one tool for making   to the IORs between and among
             of NG research organizations,   interorganizational relationships   formal CJ agencies and the broad
             policy research institutes, and   (IORs) easier to manage.         range of NG organizations with
             client­oriented organizations   •  For conventional NG organi-     which they must interact. We offer
             (e.g., RAND, Urban Institute,      zations, this can be achieved   this scheme as an attempt to utilize
             Vera Institute).                   through the analysis of social   an existing criminological theory
             Among “problematic” groups,        artifacts such as creeds, mission   to help guide practitioners and
           we list those whose relationships to   and values statements, strategic   researchers in the development of
           “conventional” values and means      plans, and annual report docu­  a more evidence­based approach
           are unclear or oppositional:         ments. This is addressed later in   to developing IORs. By using the
           •  Social movement organizations.    the article.                    tools of organizational analysis,
                                                                                CJ organizations may enhance the
             We attempt to classify social   •  For social movement organiza-   operations of conventional NG
             movement organizations by their    tions, the level of organization   organizations in the pursuit of a just
             adoption or rejection of “conven­  is the first factor in determining   society. Likewise, CJ organizations
             tional” social goals and adoption   how a CJ organization might    may use organizational analyses to
             of the means to achieve them.      best interact with the move­    better blunt the operational capaci­
             Contemporary examples include      ment. The degree of “coupling”   ties of, and harms perpetrated by,
             movements such as Occupy and       among organizational mem­       oppositional NG organizations, as
             Black Lives Matter.                bers and activities can assist in   well as collateral damages associ­
           •  Criminal organizations. This      dealing with the organization.   ated with law enforcement.
                                                “Coupling” refers to the for­
             category includes “innovators”     mality of the relationships. As
             whose members pursue goals

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