Page 36 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 36
The 80/20
Business Rule:
How It Can Be
Applied to Corrections
Carrie Carone, CJm
The 80/20 principle, otherwise with me here for a second while I should be the gogetters—the
known as the “Pareto Business break it down into law enforcement superstar employees who get about
Principle,” is the assertion that language. 80% of all your grueling work
80% of outcomes (or outputs) We often do not refer to our work accomplished. These are the dedi
results from 20% of your input. in law enforcement and correc cated employees you always contact
The founder of the 80/20 Rule is tions as a business. However, if we when there is a problem and you
Italian philosopher and economist think outside of the box a little bit need someone you trust to solve it.
Vilfredo Pareto. As legend has it, he and apply this interesting business This is a great area where the 80/20
was walking in his garden when he theory to our everyday work, it can Rule can be applied.
noticed that 20% of his pea plants very much be applied to the correc If we keep in line with the Pareto
accounted for 80% of his overall tions setting. This article addresses Principle and apply it to employee
pea crop, and it made him ponder some topics where the 80/20 prin relations and morale, the concept
the idea that 20% of your positive ciple could prove to be helpful. would recommend that you focus
supply will produce 80% of your on the top 20% of your stellar
overall distribution. Thus, the 80/20 Employee Relations: Morale and employees. If you provide bonuses
principle was born. Since I love all Workload and awards to the top 20% employ
things Italian, I am a huge fan of When you take an honest and ees and focus on those employees
his theory that 80% of your suc open look at your staffing, approxi who complete 80% of your over
cess will result from 20% of your mately 20% of your entire staff
work. If you are confused, just stay