Page 16 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 16

Story                                                             Story

              The Ant and the Grasshopper

              One fine day, a grasshopper was hopping about,   ‘I am collecting food for the winter,’ said the ant,   The grasshopper decided to request the ant for
              chirping and singing in a field. Just then he saw an   ‘and I suggest you to do the same.’ Saying so, the   some food. He went to the ant’s house. At first, the
              ant passing by, bearing along with great effort an   ant continued with his hard work and went away.  ant refused to help him. The grasshopper said that
              ear of corn. ‘Where are you going with this heavy   ‘Why bother about winter so early?’ thought the   he had realised his mistake and promised that he
              thing?’ asked the grasshopper.                 grasshopper. ‘I have got plenty of food at present.’  would never waste his time. After this, the ant took
              Without stopping, the ant replied, ‘I am carrying   Soon the winter came. The grasshopper found that   the grasshopper to his house and served him food.
              this to my house.’                             all his food had been used and he was very hungry.
              ‘Why don’t you come and sing with me?’ said the   He saw the ant enjoying corn and grain from the
              grasshopper. ‘It is such a bright and sunny day. You   store he had collected in the summer.
              should enjoy the day, instead of working so hard.’

            Theme 1

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