Page 11 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 11
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Settling and General Awareness General Awareness Numeracy Literacy General Awareness Literacy All About Me
warm‑up activity
Make the learners Show page 14 of the Ask simple Sing the number Arrange small Make the learners Revise the story
sit in a circle. book and introduce questions to the song Ten Little salt trays in the work in pairs. Give The Ant and the
Encourage them the learners to the learners related to Fingers (TSB pg. classroom. Trace jigsaw puzzles of Grasshopper
to name the things five senses that we senses and sense 15) with suitable standing lines and faces, consisting with the learners.
they noticed in the have. Explain further organs, like 'Name L actions. Encourage encourage the large pictures, Stop at certain
school garden on by talking about any 3 things you can U the learners to sing learners to do the to each pair. The points during
the previous day. the functions of the see.', 'Can you hear the rhyme with you same. Make sure puzzle should have the narration
sense organs, like a bird's sound?', N while performing that the learners maximum 4–5 and prompt the
'We use our eyes to 'How do you smell C the actions. Make clean their hands pieces and ask the learners to say
see.', 'We use our your favourite food H sure they do at the end of the learners to solve what happens next.
nose to smell.', etc. from a distance?', this with a lot of activity. the puzzle. Help
etc. actions and use the learners as and
fingers to indicate when required.
the numbers.
Make sure the
introduction to
numbers is gradual
and only in oral
Theme 1