Page 9 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 9

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                  Settling and         Literacy          Numeracy            General Awareness General Awareness Numeracy/General         Literacy       All About Me
                warm‑up activity                                                                                      Awareness
              Make the learners   Arrange sand trays   Revise the concept    Make the learners   After revising about  Point to the various  Narrate the story
              stand in a circle   in the class. Trace   of 'big' and 'small'   sit in a circle and   the different body   parts of the body   The Ant and the
              and sing the rhyme   sleeping lines in the  with the learners   play the game    parts, ask the     one by one (head,   Grasshopper (TSB
              Hoogey Woogey       tray and encourage   using the objects   L  'Simon Says'.    learners to open   arm, leg, foot).   pg. 16) to the
              while performing    the learners to    available in the    U   Give a number of   page 13 of the    Make sure the     learners. Use hand
              the actions.        do the same.       class. After this,   N  simple instructions  book. Help them   learners repeat the  puppets to make
              Encourage the       Make sure that the   encourage them to   C  involving different   match the same   actions using their   the story more
              learners to sing and  learners clean their   attempt the activity   H  body parts.  parts of the body   own body parts.   interesting. Use
              repeat the actions.   hands at the end of   given on page 39 of                  to complete the    As the learners   gestures and voice
              Repeat the rhyme    the activity.      the book.                                 activity.          point, ask a      modulation to
              by changing the                                                                                     few simple        grasp the learners'
              names of the body                                                                                   questions like,   attention.
              parts.                                                                                              'How many eyes do
                                                                                                                  you have?', 'How
                                                                                                                  many hands do you
                                                                                                                  have?', etc.

                                                                                                                                                         Theme 1

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