Page 6 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 6

All About Me  Sit in a circle and   Revise the concept   Show the animation   General Awareness  Call out the   Sing the rhyme   Sit with the
                                                                                DAY 4
                                                      General Awareness
                   Settling and
                                   General Awareness
                 warm‑up activity
                                                                              Refer to page
               discuss about
                                                      Shoulders, Knees
                                                                              Familiarise the
               birthdays with the
                                                                                                one by one, and ask  (TSB pg. 15) and
                                   Play 'Passing the
                                                                                                                                     about what they
                                                                                                them to stand up
                                                                              learners with the
                                                                                                                                     have done since
                                                                                                                   ask the learners to
                                                      and Toes in the
                                   Parcel' with the
               learners. Ask each   of 'boy' and 'girl'.   of the rhyme Head,   11 of the book.   learners' names   Two Little Hands   learners and talk
               learner to tell his/  learners. When   class. Encourage    L   different body parts  as they hear their   repeat after you.   morning. Ask them
               her birthday and    the music stops,   the learners to     U   as shown on the   names being called  Perform suitable   what they liked
               age. You may also   ask the learners   sing it along while   N  page. Say the name  out. Then, ask each  actions, so that   doing the most.
               talk about things   to introduce       performing  suitable   C  of each body part   learner to identify   it generates the   Ask each learner to
               related to birthdays,  themselves using   actions.         H   aloud and point it   and name two    learners' interest   name any one thing
               such as cakes,      short sentences,                           on yourself. Ask the  learners sitting next  and motivate them  and clap his/her
               candles, balloons,   such as, 'My name                         learners to repeat   to him/her. Try to   to perform the   hands once. Follow
               etc.                is _______. I am a                         each name after   make the learners   actions. Gradually   this by singing the
                                   boy/girl.'                                 you and encourage  understand that   introduce them to   goodbye rhyme.
                                                                              them to identify   knowing their     the concept of a
                                                                              the mentioned     own name and       'pair'.
                                                                              parts on their    the names of their
                                                                              bodies as well.   friends is very

            Theme 1

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