Page 7 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 7
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Settling and General Awareness Literacy Numeracy General Awareness/ Numeracy All About Me
warm‑up activity Play time
Sit with the learners Sing the rhyme Help the learners Ask the learners to Play the game ‘Point and Identify’ Encourage the
and encourage them Head, Shoulders, attempt the activity open the book at with the learners. Give simple learners (one at a
to say something Knees and Toes with on page 27 of the page 38. Tell them instructions like ‘Point at your ears.’, time) to walk in a
they did on the suitable actions to book using crayons. to give one new ‘Touch your knees.’, etc. The learner straight line while
previous day. You revise the names Talk about what L pair of shoes each who fails to follow the instruction/ waving goodbye to
can ask simple of the body parts. they see on the page U to their friends points at the wrong body part will be their friends.
questions like 'What Ask the learners to and try to reinforce drawn on the page disqualified. Continue the game till only
did you eat?', 'Did sing the rhyme with the concept of N 38 by drawing one learner is left to be declared as
you play with your actions. standing lines. C straight lines. Help the winner.
friends?', etc. H them complete the
activity. Reinforce
the concept of
‘pair(s)’ and give
examples of objects
they find in real life
that come in pairs.
For example, a pair
of shoes, a pair of
socks, etc.
Theme 1