Page 3 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 3

Theme 1: All About Me

                                                                               Week 1                                                                    All About Me
                                                                               DAY 1
                       1                  2                  3                       4                 5                  6                 7
                  Settling and         Literacy      General Awareness            Literacy     General Awareness      Numeracy            Literacy
                warm‑up activity
              Help the learners   Sing the rhyme     Ask the learners to     Show the          Provide clay to    Play hopscotch    Sing the rhyme
              explore the various   Hello, Hello, Hello   open the book at   animation of the   the learners and   with the learners.   Goodbye, Goodbye
              parts of the        (TSB pg. 15).      page 7 and look at      rhyme I’m Happy to  let them create   Make smaller     (TSB pg. 15) and
              classroom. Stand    Encourage the      the pictures. Tell      be Me in the class.   various objects of   blocks so that the   ask the learners to
              at the classroom    learners to sing the   them to colour the   L  Encourage learners  their choice. Once   learners can jump   wave their hands as
              door, shake hands   rhyme along with   picture of the boy   U  to sing it along.   the objects are   easily. As they   if saying goodbye
              with each learner,   you and shake hands  if he/she is a boy or   Make them aware   created, tell them   jump into a box,   to one another.
              and exchange a      with one another.  colour the picture of   N  that each learner is  to say the names   point out that one
              pleasant smile.                        the girl is he/she is   C  making their own   of the things they   box contains one
              Once the learners                      a girl.             H   unique rhyme as   have made.         number. Say the
              have entered the                                               they go along.                       number aloud and
              classroom, allow                                                                                    encourage the
              them to walk from                                                                                   learners to repeat
              one end to the other                                                                                the number after
              before they finally                                                                                 you. Tell the learner
              settle down at their                                                                                about numbers
              respective seats.                                                                                   and that they will
                                                                                                                  be learning about
                                                                                                                  them later on.                         Theme 1

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