Page 8 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 8
All About Me warm‑up activity Literacy General Awareness Week 2 4 General Awareness Numeracy Literacy
Settling and
Sit with the learners Arrange a sand pit
Hoogey Woogey
big and small
Goodbye, Friends
make their palm
of the parts of the
and encourage them in the class and let
to say something the learners make Sing the rhyme Help the learners Do a quick revision Arrange a few Sing the rhyme
prints on page 28
(TSB pg. 15) and
body. Then, ask the objects, like apple
(TSB pg. 15) while
they did on the standing lines in it performing the of their books to learners to open and watermelon, ask the learners to
weekend. You can using their fingers. actions. Encourage make big Rudolf the book at page football and cricket wave their hands as
ask simple questions Make sure that the the learners to sing appear. Remember 12 and attempt the ball, etc. Pair the if saying goodbye
like, 'What did you learners clean their and repeat the L to make the activity. Help them, things in a way to one another.
eat?', 'Did you play hands at the end of actions. Repeat the U learners turn their if needed. that each pair has
with your friends?', the activity. rhyme by changing N books upside one big and one
etc. the names of the C down before they small thing. Now,
body parts. do this activity. using these pairs,
After they have introduce the
made the palm concept of 'big'
prints, let them and 'small' to the
clean their hands learners.
while the print
dries up. Then,
encourage the
learners to colour
the reindeer's tail
to complete the
Theme 1