Page 4 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 4

All About Me  Make the learners   Sing the rhyme   Conduct an activity   General Awareness General Awareness  Play the game ‘Find  Sing the rhyme
                                                                                DAY 2
                   Settling and
                 warm‑up activity
                                                                              Show pages 8 and
               sit in a circle.
                                                                                                                                     and ask the
               Introduce yourself
                                                                                                                   the learners.
                                                                              the learners. Let
                                   Shake hands with
                                                                                                to introduce
                                                      Arrange balls of
                                                                              them observe the
                                                                                                themselves in
                                                      any two colours,
                                   the learners as you
               to the class by     Hello, Hello, Hello.   ‘Sort the Balls’.   9 of the book to   the learners      one Object’ with   Goodbye, Goodbye
                                                                                                                                     learners to wave
                                                                                                                   Name any colour
               saying, ‘My name is   sing the rhyme and   say green and   L   pictures. Refer to   the class. While   and ask the    their hands as if
               _____ .’ Encourage   encourage them    yellow. Keep two    U   each picture and   introducing, they   learners to find   saying goodbye to
               the learners to     to shake hands with  baskets, same as      read about the    should say their   one object of     one another.
               tell their names to   one another.     the colours of the   N  children shown on   names aloud, and   that colour in the
               the class in a short                   balls, in the centre   C  the pages. Help   say whether he/  classroom. As the
               sentence.                              of the circle. Tell the   H  them associate the  she is a boy/girl,   learners find the
                                                      learners that boys      pictures with the   the name of their   objects, say their
                                                      are to pick green       concept of ‘boy’   school, etc.      names aloud and
                                                      balls and girls are     and ‘girl’.                          encourage the
                                                      to pick yellow balls.                                        learners to repeat
                                                      Ask each learner to                                          these names.
                                                      come forward, pick
                                                      a ball and place it in
                                                      the corresponding
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