Page 5 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 5
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Settling and General Awareness Numeracy Literacy Literacy Play Time Numeracy All About Me
warm‑up activity
Make the learners Talk to the learners Ask the learners to Arrange a sand pit Ask the learners Bring building Sit with the
sit in a circle. about what they open the book at in the class and to open the book blocks in the class. learners and talk
Sing the rhyme like. Ask them page 37. Tell them L let the learners at page 26 and Allow some time about what they
Hello, Hello, Hello. simple questions to find and give one U scribble in it using scribble on the to the learners to have done since
Encourage the like, 'What do you pencil each to their their fingers. Make page using crayons observe the blocks morning. Ask them
learners to sing the like to eat?', 'Which friends drawn on N sure that the of their choice. and play with what they liked
rhyme with you and is your favourite the page by pairing C learners clean their them. Let this be doing the most.
shake hands with toy?', etc. Refer to correctly. H hands at the end of a free activity so Ask each learner to
one another. page 10 of the book, the activity. that each learner name any one thing
allow some time gets a chance to and clap his/her
to the learners to express himself/ hands once. Follow
observe the images herself. Make sure this by singing the
and help them that every learner goodbye rhyme.
attempt the activity. participates in this
Theme 1