Page 15 - WoW_TSB_Sampler
P. 15

Rhymes                                                                          Rhymes

              Goodbye, Friends                              Goodbye, Goodbye                              Hoogey Woogey

              Goodbye, goodbye,                             It’s time to go home,                         You put your right foot in,
              Goodbye, friends.                             It’s time to go home,                         You put your right foot out,
              Goodbye, goodbye,                             It’s time to say goodbye.                     You put your right foot in,
              Goodbye, friends.                             I had so much fun                             and you shake it all about.
              It’s time to say goodbye,                     and you had so much fun,                      Do the Hoogey Woogey,
              But first walk, walk, walk,                   We all had so much fun,                       and turn yourself around,
              Jump, jump, jump,                             And now we say goodbye,                       That’s what it’s all about.”
              Run, run, run,                                Goodbye, goodbye.
              Stop!                                         See you again,                                Ten Little Fingers
              Hop, hop, hop,                                Goodbye, goodbye.
              Swim, swim, swim,                                                                           One little, two little, three little fingers,
              Dance, dance, dance,                          Hello, Hello, Hello                           Four little, five little, six little fingers,
              Stop!                                                                                       Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers,
              Goodbye, goodbye,                             Hello, hello, hello and how are you?          Ten little fingers here.
              Goodbye, friends.                             I’m good,
              Goodbye, goodbye,                             I’m great,                                    Two Little Hands
              Goodbye, friends,                             I’m wonderful.
              It’s time to say goodbye.                                                                   Two little hands to clap, clap, clap,
                                                                                                          Two little legs to tap, tap, tap,
                                                                                                          Two little eyes are open wide,
                                                                                                          And one little head goes side to side.         Theme 1

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