Page 7 - Skylark 3_Booklet
P. 7

Activity 4                                              Creative Thinking  Art

                You read about a naughty gorilla who invited himself to tea in the poem
                ‘Gorilla’. Did you like the poem? Discuss in the class.

                Now, let us make an animal mask.

                You will need:
                   a thick sheet of paper                  a pencil                      scissors

                   colours                                 a large rubber band

                What to do:
                   Draw the face of your favourite animal on the thick sheet of paper
                       and colour it. You can take clue from the dog mask given below.

                   Now, use a pair of scissors to cut it out.
                   Make two holes at the left and right side of the face cut-out
                       using a pencil.

                   Cut your rubber band into half and tie it at both ends of the holes.
                       Stretch the animal mask over your head to put it on your face.
                You are now ready to have an animal mask parade in class!

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