Page 8 - Skylark 3_Booklet
P. 8

Activity 5                             SOCIAL STUDIES  Subject   Experiential   Scientific
               You read about an acorn that slowly became an oak tree in the poem
               ‘Little by Little’.

               Did you know that you can actually see a seed sprouting roots, shoots
               and leaves? This fun little experiment can help you see that! This activity
               can be observed in class as a group over a period of 7–14 days.

               You will need:

                  tissue papers                              some pea or bean seeds

                  a large glass jar                          water
               What to do:

                  Place the tissue papers inside the jar until it is almost full.
                  Pick out 2–3 pea/bean seeds and place them inside the jar. Make
                      sure they can be seen from the sides.

                  Gently water the jar to wet the tissue papers
                      without flooding the jar.
                  Put the jar on a shelf or windowsill and watch
                      the seeds grow. Over the next 7–14 days, your

                      teacher will water the jar, whenever necessary,
                      to keep the tissue papers and the seeds moist.

               Record any differences you see in the seeds each day.
               You can note down your observations below.

                                     activity                                 date (day)
                1.  roots sprout out of the seed                  ___________________________

                2.   roots push down into the tissue paper        ___________________________
                3.  root hair can be seen                         ___________________________
                4.  shoots come up                                ___________________________
                5.  leaves appear on the stem                     ___________________________

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