Page 7 - Skylark 8_Booklet_Neat
P. 7

Activity 4                                            Critical Thinking  Collaboration

                                                                        ENGLISH  Subject
                                                                        MATHEMATICS  Integration  ICT  ICT Skills
                                                                       SOCIAL STUDIES
               In the chapter ‘The Wright Brothers’, you read about the titular
               brothers’ quest to invent a flying machine. Their contribution led to
               the development of the modern airplane and air travel.

               Now, in groups of five, think of one invention that changed the
               course of humankind forever, and which continues to help us in our
               day-to-day lives. Make a PowerPoint presentation as a group and
               choose a representative to present it before the class. Remember to
               cover the following points:
                   •    What was the invention?

                   •    Who invented it and when?

                   •    What led to the invention? (historical contribution of other people
                       towards the invention)
                   •    How did it impact the lives of the people living at that time?

                   •    How is the invention used in modern times?
                   •    What are the other scientific discoveries that were possible due

                       to this invention?

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