P. 34

IT NEWS  MIMECAST                              out there on the internet with no       WIRELESS                               we would reset the password at           WE ARE DELIGHTED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE LAUNCH OF
                                                                                                                                   a set interval which would then
                                                    level of control as to who sees or
                                                                                                                                                                            YAMMER IS NOW WELL UNDERWAY
                                                                                            CHANGES AT
             LARGE FILE
                                                    accesses them.
                                                                                                                                   cause disruption to users and a
             SEND                                   One of the most popular                 ROSEMOUNT                              spike in IT calls.                       Yammer is essentially an internal social network - think of it like a Facebook for work.
                                                    free tools “WeTransfer” has
                                                                                                                                   There is now a new wireless
                                                    historically been used to target        HOUSE                                  network broadcasting in                                                                                                                                                                                      PR & COMMUNICATIONS NEWS
             A common question we                   unsuspecting users who will                                                    Rosemount House which                    You can post and share your own content; you can like, share and comment on the content of others; you can also create groups and

             receive in the support                 automatically assume emails                                                    will log our internal users              communities which are helpful for talking with colleagues about topics of shared interest.
                                                    from the tool are safe.
                                                                                                                                   on automatically using their
             queue is how to send                                                           Another item that tends                computer logon account; no user          Yammer can be accessed at two locations – Pulse home page and a free Yammer app from the app store. The app is the most user-friendly
             or receive files that                  As a solution to this we have           to be a regular in both                action required here to log onto         version. Please feel free to liaise with the Yambassadors if you need some help on using Yammer.
             exceed the maximum                     implemented “Mimecast Large             the top IT support and                 the network, the configuration           YAMBASSADORS INCLUDE:
                                                                                                                                   will already have been pushed to
                                                    File Send” (LFS) - it is a safe,
                                                                                            IT security tables is
             attachment limit.                      secure and private means of                                                    your device.
                                                    distributing files up to 2GB in         wireless access.                                                                 Claire Keenan      Charles Brand M&E
             From a security perspective this       size. It ticks all the boxes not just                                          Guest access will remain as it            Damien O’Hagan     Charles Brand Civils
             is a huge area of concern as the       for sending files but receiving         There are several inherent             was, with the password available
             free tools living out there on the     files from external sources.            weaknesses in using a password         in all common areas.                      Zoe Ward           Lagan O&M
             internet come with some inherent                                               as the means of granting                                                         Damien Drake       H&J Martin Construction
             security / privacy concerns;           Please contact IT Support               access to wireless networks,           This is currently live only in            Stephen Harpur     H&J Martin Fit Out
             they are commonly used to              should you require any                  the most obvious being that the        Rosemount House however we                Catherine Hamill   H&J Martin AMS
             distribute malicious content and       assistance in using this feature.       password tends to be shared to         are looking at options to extend          Tony Watson        H&J Martin AMS
             documents that could potentially                                               unauthorised persons or known          this to sites in the future.
             contain sensitive information are                                              by people who have moved on                                                      Jim Cray           H&J Martin AMS
                                                                                            from the business. Historically                                                  Mark McKeown       FK Lowry

                                                                                                                                                                             Pat McKay          FKL Plant
                                                                                                                                                                             Sarah Low
                                                                                                                                                                                                Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure
     TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19  FEEDBACK REQUEST                                                some feedback on how that ticket was handled.                                    Norman Halliday    Lagan US Aviation & Infrastructure                                                                                                              TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19
            IT DEPARTMENT:
                                                                                            From Monday 1st July every support ticket that is closed will issue a
                                                                                                                                                                             Michael McHugh
                                                                                                                                                                                                Lagan Airport Maintenance
                                                                                            link to a very brief survey (no more than 2 - 3 questions) to provide us
                                                                                                                                                                                                Central Services
                                                                                                                                                                             Lisa Masterson
                                                                                            We appreciate everyone is extremely busy, and because you will
                                                                                                                                                                             Nicola Johnston
                                                                                                                                                                                                Central Services
            As a department we are continuously trying to improve
                                                                                            have given us some of your time, we will enter every response
                                                                                                                                                                                                Central Services
                                                                                                                                                                             James Crawford
            the service we offer to the business. We’d like you to tell
                                                                                            provided into a quarterly draw which will have some nice tech
                                                                                                                                                                             Ryan Robinson
                                                                                                                                                                                                Central Services
            us if we are doing a good job, or if there is something we
                                                                                            orientated prizes.
            need to brush up on.
                                                                                            We would encourage you to be as honest as possible in your
                                                                                            responses.                                                                                                                                If anyone would like to become a Yambassador please contact Catriona Donnelly.
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