Page 206 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 206


Childhood Obesity


●● O●v	 erwSeuigmhmt aanrdy BoublelestiteydaLriestmeasured by body  ●● Organic causes of obesity are very rare and
   mass index (BMI) which is calculated by                             family lifestyle is the most common cause of
   dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the                      childhood obesity.
   square of their height in metres.
                                                                    ●● Families first need to acknowledge that their
●● BMI varies throughout childhood, decreasing                         child is overweight or obese and be motivated
   from about 1 year to 5–6 years and then slowly                      to address this through lifestyle changes if
   increasing throughout the rest of childhood.                        interventions are to be successful.

●● BMI-for-age centile charts are used to classify                  ●● Lifestyle changes are very difficult for families
   children as overweight or obese – above the                         to make and they may need considerable
   91st centile is considered overweight and                           support to achieve change.
   above the 98th centile is classified as obese.

Definitions of Overweight and                                          years of age – the average BMI at one year is 17.5,
Obesity in Children                                                    falling to about 15.5 at 5–6 years of age

In children, overweight and obesity are defined by                  ●● steadily increase from about 6 years of age until
body mass index (BMI) centile. As discussed in                         adulthood.
Chapter 2.1, BMI is a measure of weight relative to
height and is calculated by dividing the weight in                  BMI is only considered accurate as a measure of
kilograms by the square of the height in metres:                    whether a child is a normal or abnormal weight for
                                                                    their height from about 2 years of age.
                	BMI =( hweiegihght itninmk)g2
                                                                    Clinical definitions of overweight and
BMI varies throughout childhood and this                            obesity in the UK
variation is slightly different between boys and
girls. Hence there are gender-specific BMI-for-age                  Once a child’s weight and height have been
centile charts.                                                     measured accurately on calibrated equipment
                                                                    the BMI is calculated and then plotted on a
   Other characteristics to note about BMI values                   BMI-for-age centile chart. In a clinical setting a
are that they:                                                      child is:

●● increase during infancy                                          ●● overweight if they are between the 91st and 98th
                                                                       centile lines
●● decrease from 1 year or when the toddler
   becomes increasingly mobile until about 5–6                      ●● obese if they are on or above the 98th centile
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