Page 242 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 242

Sodium                                  Regulation of fluid balance and blood pressure         Salt is the main source of sodium and salt is used in making
                                                                                               bacon, ham, cheese and bread
Zinc Helps wounds heal and is involved in the                                                  Salt is added to most ready meals, sauces, soups, snacks and
                                                        function of many enzymes and hormones  other processed foods
                                                                                               Sodium is also found naturally in small quantities in most fresh
Other bioactive substances                                                                     foods particularly meat, fish, eggs, milk and yogurt
                                                                                               Foods with added salt such as crisps and processed foods should
Phytochemicals in plants that provide   Among other things, they act as antioxidants           be kept to a minimum
long-term protection against cancer     protecting all cells from damage and they are an       Best sources are meat, fish, shellfish and eggs
and heart disease                       important part of the immune system                    Other good sources are milk, wholegrain breakfast cereals, such
Also called flavanoids, flavanols and                                                          as porridge, Shredded Wheat, Weetabix, and bread
isoflavones (e.g. lycopene, lutein and                                                         Some in potatoes, dhal, lentils, hummus and leafy vegetables
                                                                                               Fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, nuts and foods made from
Probiotics are bacteria in food that    Increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the      cereals – particularly those that are brightly coloured
                                                                                               Cocoa and chocolate

                                                                                               Live yogurt

will colonize the intestine and provide intestine and consequently reduce the effects of

health benefits                         harmful bacteria that may cause infection

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