Page 237 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 237
228 Answers to Activities
Activity 2 teachers making positive comments about the
food, and classroom activities such as counting,
Baby was born 13 weeks, or 3 months, early before colouring in, drawing, painting, stories, word
the EDD (estimated date of delivery), so 5–8 searches, quizzes, weighing out foods as part of
months after the date of birth is 2 (5 minus 3) to 5 (8 maths lessons and games.
minus 3) months past the EDD.
● involving the pupils, parents and staff in
Chapter 5.1 planning menus and foods available in other
catering outlets
High-iron foods: ● getting the teachers to eat with the children, eat
the same food and make positive comments
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 about the foods
Breakfast Egg Baked Muesli with ● developing taught curriculum to contain the
beans added concepts of nutrients and components in food in
ground relation to health.
Chapter 7.2
Midday Chick Dhal Lentils
meal pea Activity 1
Egg Hummus
Evening Tofu Your answer may include a range of components,
meal including demonstrations, videos and group
discussions rather than focusing on parental
High-vitamin C foods: education alone. For example:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 ● planning more nutritious meals and snacks that
can be substituted for the high-fat and
Small glass Small high-sugar foods that they may normally offer
Breakfast diluted diluted Strawberries ● interactive cookery demonstrations
orange orange
juice ● cook-and-eat sessions for parents to improve
juice their cooking skills and their knowledge of
healthy eating, and to empower parents to
Midday Strawberries Mango Tomato in provide healthier family meals
meal slices bolognaise
sauce ● exploring children’s activities that can be
substituted for watching TV or DVDs
Evening Cherry Pepper Kiwi fruit
slices ● increasing daily family physical activity by
meal tomatoes encouraging more walking instead of always
using the car or pushing preschool children
Chapter 6.1 around in a stroller
Activity 2 ● engaging in local facilities with opportunities
Your answer may include: for active play and sports.
● developing familiarity with foods by holding
cooking sessions, tasting sessions involving