Page 232 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 232
Allergen – A substance that causes an immune of the small intestine causing malabsorption of
response. food.
Corrected age – The age of a child born preterm
Allergy – A hypersensitivity reaction initiated by minus the weeks the baby was born early.
specific immunological mechanisms. Cushing’s syndrome – Disorder caused by excessive
levels of the hormone cortisol which causes rapid
Amino acids – A group of compounds that proteins weight gain, particularly of the trunk and face.
are made of. Essential amino acids are those that Dehydration – Condition that results from excessive
we cannot make ourselves and therefore we must loss of body water. This may occur due to a high
eat them in food. Non-essential amino acids are temperature and excessive sweating or it may be
those that we can make for ourselves if our diets due to normal water losses through skin,
are adequate. breathing, passing water and stools coupled with
an inadequate intake of water.
Anaphylaxis – Severe difficulty breathing and heart Dyslipidaemia – An excess of lipids in the blood,
malfunction due to a fall in blood pressure, usually as usually the lipids cholesterol and triglycerides.
a result of a serious allergic reaction. It can result in Estimated date of delivery (EDD) – For a premature
death but if adrenaline is administered the body is baby this is the date they were expected to be born
quickly restored to normal. if they had remained in the womb for a normal-
length pregnancy of 40 weeks gestation.
Apnoea – A transient absence of spontaneous Encopresis – Involuntary faecal soiling of underwear
respiration. It may occur during sleep in very in children who are already toilet trained.
obese children. Endocrine disorders – Abnormalities of hormone
secretion or action.
Asperger’s syndrome – One of several autism spectrum Food allergy – An abnormal or exaggerated
disorders (ASD) characterized by difficulties in immunological response to specific food
social interaction and by restricted and stereotyped proteins.
interests and activities. Gag on food – Food is not successfully swallowed and
comes back into the mouth.
Atopy – A characteristic making one susceptible to Gastro-oesophageal reflux – The contents of the
develop immediate allergic reactions to stomach flow backwards: back up out of the
substances such as pollen, food, dander and stomach into the oesophagus.
insect venoms and manifested by hay fever, Glucose – A form of sugar. Sugar in the blood is
asthma, food allergies, eczema or similar allergic always in the form of glucose.
conditions. Gluten – A protein found in wheat, rye and barley.
Oats contain a very similar protein.
Autism – Autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are a Growth hormone – A hormone secreted by the
spectrum of psychological conditions pituitary gland which stimulates growth and cell
characterized by widespread abnormalities of reproduction.
social interactions and communication, as well Halal – Means ‘lawful’ and relates to meat which is
as severely restricted interests and highly acceptable to Muslims. Animals must be
repetitive behaviour. ritually slaughtered to provide meat that is
Autoimmune disease – A disease in which the body
produces antibodies that attack its own tissues.
Body mass index (BMI) – An index calculated by
dividing body weight in kilograms by the height
in metres squared.
Coeliac disease – An autoimmune disease in which
the protein gluten causes the production of
destructive antibodies which damage the tissue