Page 235 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 235
226 Answers to Activities
Activity 7 ● children adopt antisocial mealtime behaviours
Your answer could include: ● children do not learn to like the food their
parents eat.
● what parents/carers already ‘know’ about food
(carers are more likely to accept, integrate and Chapter 3.1
act on nutrition information that corresponds
with their existing knowledge) Activity 1
● established food patterns and customs and the (a) An underweight woman: balanced eating
extent to which they are followed in the plan with increased energy intake with the
household aim of weight gain and increased nutritional
stores, exercise levels, alcohol intake, caffeine
● hierarchy within the family intake.
● social pressures and socio-economic factors
● multicultural competencies of health (b) An overweight couple: balanced eating plan
with decreased energy to reduce weight to a
professionals giving the advice, such as using healthy BMI for both man and woman,
the correct terminology exercise levels, alcohol intake, caffeine intake.
● access to appropriate foods in the local area
● availability of different foods. (c) A couple both of normal weight: balanced
eating plan to improve nutritional status,
Activity 8 alcohol intake, exercise levels, caffeine intake,
zinc supplements, hazards in the working
Your answer may include: environment.
● eat with their children as often as possible Activity 2
● eat the foods they would like their children to eat
● make positive comments about the foods they Answer to include:
want their children to eat ● reduce weight to BMI 18.5–25 at least 3–4
● plan a daily routine of 3 meals and 2–3 nutritious months prior to conception
snacks ● reduce HbA1c to below 6.1 per cent, and not try
● always offer nutritious foods at meals and snacks to conceive if HbA1c is above 10 per cent
● set boundaries around food, drinks, meals and
● follow a nutritions balanced diet with a
snacks and stick to them. supplement of 5 mg folic acid and 10 µg vitamin D.
Activity 9 Chapter 3.2
Your answer should include ideas involving:
Activity 1
● parental time and attention
● books and toys Answer should include:
● non-food-related activities.
● nutritions balanced diet
Activity 10 ● vitamin supplementation of folic acid and
Your answer may include:
vitamin D
● no strong role models for children to copy ● three servings of milk, cheese and yogurt per day
positive eating behaviours ● encourage high-iron foods
● register for the benefits of the Healthy Start