Page 234 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 234


Answers to Activities

Chapter 1.3                                             Activity 5

Activity 3                                              Your answer may include these items:

Your answer may include:                                Nutritious choices       Lower nutrient foods
                                                                                 that should be limited to
●	 lack of understanding why change is needed                                    very small amounts
●	 lack of confidence in the advice given by health                              occasionally

   professionals                                        Bread                    Fortified sugar-coated
●	communication difficulties with language                                       breakfast cereals

   barriers and sometimes issues with literacy          Breakfast cereals –      Fizzy drinks
●	 senior members of the family being held in great     fortified but not sugar
   respect and their views on diet having considerable
   influence, which negatively affects compliance       Cheese                   Fruit juices
   with guidance given by health professionals
●	negative prior experience of receiving                Yogurt                   Fruit smoothies
   inappropriate and insensitive guidance ignoring
   cultural and religious beliefs.                      Fromage frais            Chocolate

Activity 4                                              Fish fingers             Sweets and
Your answer may include:
                                                        Frozen vegetables        Biscuits
●	 access to food and shops
●	 prices of food in accessible shops and markets                                Cakes
●	 budgeting strategies
●	 patterns of food choice                                                       Fast food sold with little
●	 social and cultural acceptability                                             or no vegetables
●	 other pressures for allocation of money (e.g. rent,
                                                                                 Ice cream
   heating, lighting, clothes/shoes for the children)
●	 food preferences within the household                                         Crisps and other packet
●	 concerns for food waste                                                       snacks
●	 lack of education on benefits of healthy diet
●	 social support available for families (e.g. Healthy                           Cereal bars

   Start Scheme).                                       Activity 6

                                                        Your answer may include:

                                                        ●	 reduced energy expenditure as it displaces more
                                                           active pastimes

                                                        ●	exposure to food advertising that negatively
                                                           affects nutritious food choices

                                                        ●	misleading food advertising confuses the
                                                           understanding of healthy eating.
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