Page 233 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 233

224 Glossary

Hypoglycaemia – Blood sugar levels are lower than              responsible for some colour and smell, such as
     the normal range for blood sugar.                         the deep purple of blueberries and smell of garlic.
                                                               In the diet they play a role in the immune system
Hypothyroidism – Insufficient production of thyroid            and provide long-term protection against cancer
     hormone by the thyroid gland.                             and heart disease. They include the brightly
                                                               coloured pigments in fruits and vegetables and
Hyperglycaemia – Blood sugar levels are higher than            are also called flavanoids, flavanols or
     the normal range for blood sugar.                         isof lavones.
                                                          Phyto-oestrogens – Plant chemicals that behave the
Hypersensitivity – Objectively reproducible                    same way in the body as the hormone oestrogen.
     symptoms or signs initiated by exposure to a         Prader–Willi syndrome – A condition caused by a
     defined stimulus at a dose tolerated by normal            chromosomal abnormality. Babies are floppy at
     persons.                                                  birth and go on to develop obesity due to an
                                                               excessive appetite and overeating. Other
Hypertension – Raised blood pressure.                          characteristics are small hands and feet, mental
Infant – A child under 12 months of age.                       retardation, poor emotional and social
Kangaroo care – The practice of securing a very                development and immature development of
                                                               sexual organs and other sexual characteristics.
     young or preterm infant against the mother’s         Prebiotics – Fibre that encourages the growth of good
     skin, usually on her chest between her breasts to         bacteria in the intestine.
     maximize body contact. The benefits include          Preterm babies – Babies born before 37 weeks
     reduced morbidity and mortality.                          gestation.
Kosher – This means that animals and birds have           Probiotics – Bacteria present in fermented food that
     been slaughtered by the Jewish method, carried            colonize the intestinal tract and improve the
     out by a trained and authorized person.                   intestinal microbial balance. Examples are
Leptin – A hormone secreted by adipose tissue that             bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
     plays a key role in regulating energy intake and     Protein – A complex molecule consisting of a
     energy expenditure, including the regulation of           particular sequence of chains of amino acids.
     appetite and metabolism.                                  Proteins are essential constituents of all living
Non-milk extrinsic sugars – Sugars in food that are            things.
     the most harmful to teeth – sucrose, glucose and     Pulses – A group of foods that includes lentils, peas
     fructose not within the intact cells of fruit (e.g.       and starchy beans but excludes green beans.
     fructose from processed fruit such as fruit               Examples of starchy beans are chick peas, black
     juices).                                                  eye beans, baked beans, white and red kidney
Oesophagus – The part of the digestive canal that              beans, flageolet beans.
     food and drinks pass through between the throat      Reflux – See gastro-oesophageal reflux.
     down to the stomach.                                 Retch – Make an involuntary effort to vomit.
Personal Child Health Record (PCHR) – A record of         Stool – Evacuated faecal matter passed through the
     a child’s growth, development and uptake of               anus.
     preventive health services (e.g. immunizations),     Supine – Lying on the back.
     designed to enhance communication between            Teratogenesis – The development of physical defects
     parents and health professionals.                         in the embryo.
Pesticide – Chemicals including herbicides,               Term babies – Babies born after 37 weeks gestation.
     insecticides and fungicides used to kill pests.
Phytochemicals – Compounds that occur naturally
     in plants (phyto means ‘plant’ in Greek), which
     may have biological significance but are not
     established as essential nutrients. They are
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