Page 33 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 33

24  1.2  Principles of a Balanced Nutritious Diet for Children over 1 Year

           Day 1                     Day 2                                   Day 3
           Scrambled egg with toast
Breakfast  and grilled tomatoes      Baked beans on toast                    Muesli with added ground
           Milk to drink                                                     almonds and dried fruit
Midday     Chickpea curry with       Small glass diluted orange
meal       spinach and cauliflower   juice                                   Milk on cereal and to drink
Evening    Bread and butter pudding  Lentil and parsnip soup                 Pasta with red kidney
meal       with dried fruit          with wheatgerm bread                    beans in bolognaise sauce

           Vegetable soup and        Yogurt and strawberries                 Green beans
           peanut butter sandwiches
           Raspberries and cream                                             Custard and sliced banana

                                     Tofu and vegetable stir fry             Pitta bread with hummus
                                     with noodles
                                                                             Red pepper and cucumber
                                     Pear slices and a muffin                sticks

                                                                             Kiwi fruit with a mini
                                                                             Bakewell tart

Assessing Nutritional Adequacy                           they have eaten with the principles of healthy
Using the Five Food Groups                               eating.

A child’s diet can be assessed for adequate                 How to assess the diet and help parents
nutritional intake by comparing a record of what         and children to improve a diet are discussed in
                                                         Chapter 2.2.

Food group                                               Recommended number of daily age
1. Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods  appropriate servings
2. Fruit and vegetables                                  Included at each meal – and some snacks
3. Milk, cheese and yogurt
4. Meat, fish, eggs, nuts and beans                      Included at each meal – and some snacks
5. Foods high in fat and foods high in sugar
                                                         3 servings per day
Vitamin supplements                                      2–3 servings per day

                                                         Small amounts with meals
                                                         Sweet foods limited to 4 times per day

                                                         6–8 per day or 1 with each meal and snack

                                                         Vitamins A and D daily for those under 5 years of age

References and further reading                           Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN)/
                                                            Committee on Toxicity (COT) (2004) Advice on
Moynihan P and Petersen PE (2004) Diet, nutrition           Fish Consumption: Benefits and risks. London: The
   and the prevention of dental diseases. Public            Stationery Office.
   Health Nutrition 7(1A): 201–226.
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