Page 32 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 32

Daily Meal Plans Combining the Five Food Groups 23

Breakfast                Food groups included                    Sample menu
                         Bread/rice/potatoes/pasta/starchy food  Scrambled egg with
                         Meat/fish/eggs/nuts/pulses              toast
                         Fruit as drink                          Diluted orange juice
                                                                 Glass milk
Snack                    Milk/cheese/yogurt                      1 biscuit

Midday meal  1st course  Meat/fish/eggs/nuts/pulses              Chicken curry and rice
             2nd         Bread/rice/potatoes/pasta/starchy food  Green beans
Snack        course      Vegetable
                         Fruit                                   Fruit sponge with
Evening      1st course  Foods high in fat and sugar             custard
meal         2nd         Milk/cheese/yogurt
             course      Drink                                   Water
                         Fruit                                   Grapes
                         Bread/rice/potatoes/pasta/starchy food  Rice cake
                         Drink                                   Water
                         Bread/rice/potatoes/pasta/starchy food
                         Milk/cheese/yogurt                      Cheese and tomato
                         Vegetable                               sandwiches
                         Foods high in fat and sugar
                         Fruit                                   Jelly and peach slices

Activity                                        Meal planner for a vegetarian diet

Plan a menu for one day using the appropriate   The following is a meal plan for a balanced
number of servings from each food group for a   vegetarian diet including the extra criteria:
child of 3–4 years and a child of 11–12 years.
For each meal itemize the food and how it       ●● three servings of foods from food group 4: one at
should be prepared.                                each meal

                                                ●● a high-vitamin C food with each meal
                                                ●● two courses at each main meal
                                                ●● extra dried fruit and nuts to provide more iron.
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