Page 27 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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18  1.2  Principles of a Balanced Nutritious Diet for Children over 1 Year

Figure 1.2.4  Singapore healthy diet pyramid

●● offering three servings/day of the vegetarian       Vegan diets
   foods in food group 4 (i.e. eggs, nuts and pulses)
   and offering a food high in vitamin C at each       Vegan diets are unlikely to provide adequate
   meal to increase the iron absorbed from the         calcium, vitamin B12, omega 3 fats unless they are
   plant-based foods                                   extremely well planned. A calcium-enriched soya
                                                       milk can be used as a substitute for foods in food
●● including dried fruit often as it is a good source  group 3. However, an extra supplement may be
   of iron                                             needed for the key ‘at risk’ nutrients, which are iron,
                                                       zinc, calcium and vitamin B12. A vegan diet is not
●● including starchy foods from food group 1 in        recommended for the under-fives (see Chapter 5.1).
   combination with nuts and pulses from food
   group 4 (e.g. as baked beans on toast, rice and        Diets more restricted than a vegan diet, such as
   dahl, rice and peas or peanut butter sandwich)      Zen macrobiotic, fruitarian or raw food diets, are
   as the amino acids in the protein of starchy        not recommended for children as they cannot
   foods complement the amino acids in the             provide all the energy and nutrients for growth and
   protein in nuts and pulses to provide together all  development. A referral to social services and for a
   the essential amino acids needed for growth         dietetic assessment are essential if parents reject
                                                       this advice.
●● offering breakfast cereals with added iron rather
   than those that are not fortified with iron         Sugar and Dental Health

●● increasing omega 3 fats from plant sources for      Sugar has a place in all balanced nutritious diets,
   those not eating fish by using rapeseed oil for     enhancing flavour and providing enjoyment from
   cooking, walnut, soya or olive oil for dressings    sweet tastes. As outlined in Chapter 1.1 sugar
   and chopped walnuts in place of other chopped       should be restricted to about 11 per cent of total
   nuts, or supplying a supplement of omega 3 fatty    energy intake and in practice this means that small
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