Page 22 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 22
Principles of a Balanced Nutritious Diet
for Children over 1 Year
●● Foods can be divided into five food groups • foods high in fat and foods high in sugar –
based on the nutrients they contain, and an small amounts that do not replace the other
average daily combination of a number of food groups.
servings from each food group provides
nutritional adequacy. ●● Sweet foods should be limited to four times per
●● The food groups and number of servings
children require are: ●● Between six and eight drinks should be offered
each day.
• bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other
starchy foods – include at each meal and ●● The number of average daily servings of each
some snacks: 3–5 servings food group is the same throughout childhood
from 12 months of age but portion sizes of food
• fruit and vegetables – include at each meal and drinks increase as children grow and their
and some snacks: about five servings energy and nutrient requirements increase.
• milk, cheese and yogurt – three servings ●● Assessing the average number of daily servings
per day from each food group can be used to help
parents and children make changes to improve
• meat, fish, eggs, nuts and beans – two the nutritional adequacy of their diets.
servings per day or three for vegetarians
Children can be assured of meeting the energy and In addition to the foods listed in Table 1.2.1
nutrient intakes discussed in Chapter 1.1 by eating there are many foods that contribute to servings
a combination of five food groups. The foods are from more than one food group. For example, pizza
grouped together according to the nutrients they provides a serving from three or four food groups
contain and so all the foods within each food group depending on the ingredients used:
provide a similar range of nutrients. The foods and
the nutrients they contain along with the ●● Pizza base contains flour – providing a serving
recommended number of average daily servings from food group 1.
from each food group are set out in Table 1.2.1.
●● Cheese on top provides a serving from food
Food groups 1–4 provide most of the nutrients. group 3.
Foods in group 5 provide fewer nutrients and are
high in energy (calories). They can be included in ●● If a meat is included it provides a serving from
small quantities but should not replace foods in food group 4.
groups 1–4.
●● If diced vegetables are included in the topping
they provide a serving from food group 2.