Page 24 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 24

Group 5: Foods and drinks  Cream, butter, margarines,         Some foods                                In addition to but    In addition to but not
high in fat and/or sugar   cooking and salad oils,            provide:                                  not instead of the    instead of the other food
                           mayonnaise, chocolate,             – vitamin E                               other food groups     groups
Fluids                     confectionery, jam, honey, syrup,  – omega 3 fatty
                           crisps and other high-fat savoury  acids: alpha-      Milk feeds and drinks  6–8 drinks per day –  6–8 drinks per day – each
                           snacks, biscuits, cakes            linolenic acid     of water offered       each of 100–120 mL.   of 150–250 mL. More
                                                                                 with meals             More in hot weather   in hot weather or after
                           Fruit juices and sweetened         Water                                     or after extra        extra physical activity
                           drinks                             Fluoride in areas  Vitamins A and D for   physical activity
                                                              with fluoridated   breastfed infants and                        Folic acid and vitamin D
                           Drinks                             tap water          formula-fed infants    Vitamins A and D up   for adolescent girls who
                                                                                 drinking less than     to 5 years            could become pregnant
Vitamin supplements                                                              500 mL formula milk/                         and during pregnancy

a Serving sizes of food and drinks will increase as children grow.
b  Oily fish should be limited to two servings per week for girls and four servings per week for boys.
DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid.

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