Page 25 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 25

16  1.2  Principles of a Balanced Nutritious Diet for Children over 1 Year

Drinks                                                  of the food groups is applicable for all children
                                                        from 1 year of age.
Between six and eight drinks per day provide
adequate fluid, although children may need more            It is not necessary for children to eat the exact
in very hot weather or after extra physical activity.   Reference Nutrient Intakes (RNI) of each nutrient
                                                        each day. Most nutrients are stored in the body and
   With the exception of water, drinks are also         these stores will last them some time. Children may
included in the five food group system. Milk and        eat more of some nutrients on certain days and less
yogurt drinks are included in food group 3. Sweetened   on other days, depending on the foods offered and
drinks and fruit juices are all included in food group  the quantities consumed. Over a period of two
5 as they are high-sugar drinks that also contain acid  weeks or so, on a balanced diet with a reasonable
which can cause dental decay if given frequently.       variety of foods from each food group, children
                                                        will be getting on average what they need.
   Water and milk are the safest drinks to offer
between meals as they do not cause tooth erosion           The ‘eatwell plate’ is a visual representation
or increase the risk of dental decay. Up to three       developed for use in the UK describing how to
drinks per day can be milk but more than this can       combine the food groups on a daily basis (Figure
decrease the appetite for foods from the other food     1.2.1). It has been devised for children over 5 years
groups that contain iron.                               and adults. There is no UK visual representation of
                                                        a combination of the five food groups for children
Portion Sizes                                           under 5 years old.

Portion sizes of foods are discussed in the chapters       This food group combination can be applied to
for each age group in Sections 5 and 6. They            whichever cultural diet families eat. The wider the
increase as children grow and have higher energy        variety of foods eaten within each food group the
and nutrient requirements. However, the                 better the balance of nutrients provided. Most
recommended number of daily servings from each          countries have developed their own visual

Figure 1.2.1  The ‘eatwell plate’. Copyright: Food Standards Agency
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