Page 35 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 35

26 1.3  Social and Cultural Influences on Food Choices

   Migrant groups in the UK come from many                       On migrating to the UK, geographical groups tend
different geographical areas. In the 2001 UK census              to preserve their eating traditions (Table 1.3.1).
the ethnic population was about 8 per cent of the                This is seen particularly where larger groups have
general population or 4.6 million (Figure 1.3.1).                settled together and have a good source of
                                                                 traditional food through markets and local
25                                                               retailers. However, not all new migrants have
                                                                 access to their culturally acceptable foods – for
                            Black-Caribbean                      example asylum seekers may be housed in areas
                                                                 where their traditional foods are unobtainable.
20                          Black-African
                            Black-Other                             Western influences also affect traditional eating
                                                                 patterns of migrant groups to a considerable extent.
                            (non-mixed)                          Younger generations born in the UK generally
                                                                 move away from traditional dietary practices of
                                                    Black-Mixed  their migrant parents and adopt the traditions of
15 Indian                                                        their friends and peers.

                            Pakistani                              Activity 1

                            Bangladeshi                             Visit a shop specializing in foods of one of the
                                                                    geographical regions below and make a list of 20
10 Chinese                                                          unfamiliar foods and then find out how they are used
                                                    Other-Asian     in the preparation of dishes for that ethnic group.

5 (non-mixed)



Figure 1.3.1  Distribution of total minority ethnic
population by ethnic group in Great Britain in
2000. Data from

Table 1.3.1  Common traditional foods eaten by groups from different geographical regions that have
migrated to the UK

Migration to the UK from    Traditional foods eaten
Caribbean Islands
                            Rice, sweet potatoes, yams, green bananas, plantain, dasheen, okra, cornmeal
                            and coconut cream
                            Beverages based on condensed milk with added sugar or honey
                            Milk-based energy or malt drinks such as Nutriment, Nourishment, Supermalt,
                            Mighty Malt

South Asia                  Chapattis, parathas, puris, bhaura and naan are all types of bread made from
                            wheat flour
                            Fried snacks – samosas and pakoras

East Africa                 Maize, millet, sorghum, matoke/cooking banana, cassava, sweet potato, yam

West Africa mainly Nigeria  Cassava, green bananas, yam, plantain, ground rice, cornmeal, gari and kenkey
and Ghana                   Akra or black-eyed beans
                            Ground nuts and seeds are often part of the meal
                            Tropical fruits

China                       Balance of yin (coldness) and yang (hotness) is usually observed in meals
                            Black beans
                            Soy products such as tofu and soya milk
                            Green leafy vegetables
                            Cereals vary:
                            in the north: wheat-based foods such as dumplings and noodles
                            in the south: rice and foods made from rice flour such as noodles, cakes, vinegar
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