Page 97 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 97

88 4.1  Milk Feeding

●● Mothers may need to adapt their lifestyle to         Whichever method is chosen it is important that:
   allow more time for feeding. Help with their
   household tasks and looking after other children     ●● the mother washes her hands thoroughly before
   may encourage some mothers to be more relaxed           she starts
   about the time taken for breastfeeding.
                                                        ●● all containers, bottles and pump pieces are
Tongue-tie                                                 washed in hot soapy water and sterilized before
On occasions an infant with a marked tongue-tie
may experience difficulty with breastfeeding. This      Milk can be expressed from one breast for around
can be resolved with minor surgery.                     five minutes or until the supply slows down or
                                                        appears to stop. Milk can then be expressed from
Mixed Breast and Formula                                the other breast. Then the mother can go back to
Feeding                                                 the first breast and start again. Expressing from
                                                        alternative breasts can continue until the milk
Introducing any formula milk is likely to decrease an   stops or drips very slowly.
infant’s breast milk intake and subsequently the
mother’s supply of breast milk. If a mother has chosen     If there are problems beginning, the following
to supplement with formula milk, one feed per day at    may help the milk to flow:
a specific time will have less effect on her supply of
breast milk than topping up with formula milk after     ●● the mother should be comfortable and as relaxed
every breastfeed.                                          as possible – sitting in a quiet room with a warm
                                                           drink may help
Expressing Breast Milk
                                                        ●● if possible, skin-to-skin contact with the infant
NICE recommends that all mothers are taught to
hand express their breast milk (NICE 2008b). It         ●● having her infant close by or having a
may be necessary to express breast milk if:                photograph of the infant to look at or being able
                                                           to smell the infant’s scent (e.g. on a baby blanket
●● the mother needs help to attach her infant to a         or garment)
   full breast
                                                        ●● having a warm bath or shower prior to
●● the mother’s breasts feel full and uncomfortable        expressing, or applying warm flannels to her
●● the infant is too small or sick to breastfeed
                                                        ●● light, gentle massage of the breast by the mother
●● the mother needs to be away from her infant for         using her fingertips or by rolling her closed fist
   long periods of time such as social engagements         over her breast towards the nipple. She should
   or returning to work                                    work around the whole breast, including
                                                           underneath. She should not slide her fingers
●● the mother requires surgery                             along her breast as this can damage the skin.

●● the mother chooses to bottlefeed her infant             After massaging, light stimulation of the nipple
   with her own expressed milk rather than              between her first finger and thumb encourages the
   breastfeeding.                                       release of hormones which stimulate the breast to
                                                        produce and release the milk.
There are three main methods of expressing breast
milk:                                                      As mothers get used to expressing their milk,
                                                        they will find that they do not need to prepare so
●● hand expression                                      carefully. Just like breastfeeding, it gets easier as
                                                        time goes by.
●● using a hand pump
                                                           Hand expressing is free and convenient and is
●● using an electric pump/battery pump.                 particularly useful if a mother needs to relieve an
                                                        uncomfortable breast. The best way to learn is to
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